Chapter 5: Fireworks and Sparklers

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Dean and Cas spent the next day watching movies and other TV shows. But once it was dark out, they headed back to their field, and Dean started setting up fireworks, only to make a grand discovery.

"You've NEVER seen fireworks?!" He declared.

"No." Cas said innocently. "Never." Dean gaped at him, utterly shocked.

"I have completely failed you." He insisted, throwing up his hands. "We're gonna need more fireworks."

"But you already have some-"

"Cas, I'm not letting this crappy little display of fireworks be your first experience with them. It's just not happening." Dean proclaimed. "Now I'm gonna get some more fireworks....And maybe some pie. Don't move."

"Okay." Cas grumbled, sitting down in the grass.

"Good Cas." Dean patted his head and headed for the Impala.

"I'M NOT A DOG, DEAN!" Cas called after him.

"Of course not!" Dean yelled back. "YOU'RE A FLUFFY KITTEN!"

Cas scowled at him.

An hour later, Dean launched the first firework into the sky, and immediately turned to watch Cas's face. 

Cas gasped as color burst into the sky, his eyes lighting up in wonder.

Dean admired the firework, but that was the only one he paid attention to. He'd much rather watch Cas's expression of pure joy and wonder as various colors shot through the night sky, the sparkle of them reflected in the angel's eyes.

But once Dean shot the grand finale into the sky,he looked up to watch it, and Cas glanced over, surprised at the smile on the hunter's face.

This was the first time Cas had ever seen Dean look so purely happy. No pain or guilt lingered in his face. He didn't look haunted by the things he'd seen. He just looked...utterly at peace, content to be happy as color burst into the sky.

Cas jumped at the boom of the firework, and Dean laughed at him, wrapping an arm around the angel. 

But then it was over and Cas couldn't help but be a little upset. He frowned slightly as the sky settled back to its normal blackness.

"Fun's not over yet." Dean insisted, grabbing a box from the containers of fireworks. He handed Cas a thin stick, and lit it on fire.

Sparks flew off the stick, and Cas gasped.

"Now what?" He asked, staring at it in wonder.

"You wave it around, spell your name with it, that kinda stuff." Dean explained. So Cas waved the sparkler and Dean jumped back to avoid getting hit with it. "Careful!" Dean yelped.

"Sorry!" Cas replied, drawing little shapes with the sparkler. He laughed, and Dean unconsciously grabbed his phone, taking a little video as Cas smiled and laughed and wrote out the word Assbutt with the sparkler before it eventually died out. "Awww." Cas complained as the sparkler went dark.

"Don't worry buddy, we've got a whole box of them." Cas let out a happy cry.

They spent the next hour messing around with the sparklers. Making funny faces, spelling out their names and other swear words, until finally they laid on the grass, holding the last sparkler out before them, watching it burn. Cas got a strange look in his eye as he watched it.

"What is it?" Dean asked softly, not wanting to fully disturb the silence of the field.

"So many angels look down at humans and see nothing but their faults." Cas whispered back. "Their pain, suffering, their wars and endless fighting. They never notice the little things like this. They don't see how happy humans can be- what a little love and joy bring them."

"You notice." Dean replied. "You see all the good in us."

"I see both sides," Cas explained. "It's hard not too, when I'm with you. I see the pain that this life causes you, but I also witness the little moments of happiness you have with Sam, and your family."

"And with you." Dean added, half-smiling at the angel. 

"Yeah," Cas said quietly, smiling at Dean. "I suppose you and I have some happiness between us too."

Dean smirked.

"Oh, Cas." He sighed as the sparkler slowly died out. "We've got a lot more then that."

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