"It's in my pocket." Happy realized, reaching into the pocket of his trousers.

"Car!" Athena shrieked, gasping as they just about missed the yellow racing car. As they went around a corner, a frightening scene was in front of them. Blackish grey smoke hovered in the air as broken parts of various different cars laid scattered about. The man with the whips stood in front of a flaming car and Athena could only assume and hope that Tony was behind the flames and not in the flaming car, dying. As they neared, they spotted Tony in his blue racing gear, waiting for the man's next move. Happy beeped the car horn, alerting Tony of his next move. Thinking quick, Tony ran and jumped onto the fence as Happy ruthlessly slammed the man into the fence with the car.

Athena let out a deep breath as the man slumped unconsciously onto the hood of the car. Athena clambered out of the car as Tony jumped off the fence, asking them if they were okay. Athena slammed into Tony, knocking him a few steps back, wrapping him into a tight hug. Tony returned the hug, surprised about it but welcomed it nonetheless. His body ached from the tight embrace but he didn't want to end it. He let out a pained breath and leaned his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes in peace.

Hearing the pained breath, Athena felt concerned. "Are you okay? Should we get the paramedics?"

Tony lifted his head and decided to brave it. "Just a little stiff. Don't worry about it."

Athena eyed him, skeptically before leaning in closer and placing a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. "If you say so."

Stunned by the action, Tony stared for a moment then smirked at her. "You missed."

"I did not miss." Athena scoffed, licking her lips.

"Are you two done flirting yet?" Happy shouted out, ruining the moment.

Tony snapped his head to look at Happy, a look of displeasure on his face as he spotted the unconscious body. He then eyed Happy, suspiciously. "Were you heading from me or him?"

"I was trying to scare him." Happy said, justifying his actions.

"'Cause I can't tell!" Tony yelled, stomping towards the window beside Happy, leaving Athena to roll her eyes at him.

"Are you out of your mind?" Pepper shrieked at him from the back seat out the window, nearly hysterical. Her voice was so high-pitched that Athena was actually concerned.

"Better security." Tony yelled back, switching windows so that he could yell at her.

"Get in the car right now!" Pepper shrieked, just as high as her last shriek. Athena moved towards the car as Tony fought back at her.

"I was attacked! We need better security!" Tony argued as he yelled. Athena grabbed him by the arm and dragged him around the car, so that he could get in.

"Get in the car." Athena ordered, not taking no for an answer.

"You're CEO. Better security measures. God, it's embarrassing." Tony shouted at Pepper as he limped. Athena slapped his shoulder for his words before opening the door so they can get in.

"First vacation in two years." She mumbled to herself before letting out a frightened scream as the car door suddenly splits in half.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted the sparking whip heading her way again. She shut her eyes and held the broken car door in front of her, using it as a shield. She quickly ditched the car door once the whip hit against it, eyeing the now conscious man who was getting ready flick his arm again. Athena didn't think twice before throwing herself at Tony, successfully rolling both of them away from the harmful whip that was aiming to kill them.

Battle Strategies | Tony Stark [1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें