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       The next morning is training. I really cannot wait, training is what I do best. All of the tributes are assembled in two circles. The careers are in the middle forming a small circle and the outer districts form a larger circle around them. Our trainer stands on a podium right in the middle of us. As she tells us about how easily it is to die from dehydration, starvation, and even infections, I think about trying some new weapons. I have an advantage by throwing knives. It's basically like archery, it's silent, it can kill you with one hit, and you can have distance between you and your target. But it can't always work in some situations. I could lose all my knives and be weaponless, but if I learned new weapons I could be a double threat. Maybe swords, you only need one to execute your target. I know Cato uses swords so he could teach me. I'm also very small so I can run fast and climb easily, but I'm not strong, I couldn't throw a hundred and fifteen pound girl off of me. I never really realized how much training I must do, now would be the perfect time to start.

After a strategy lesson, I head straight for the knives. Luckily, I'm the only one in our games that throws them. The second my fingers touch the shiny silver metal, I feel like I've gone mad, time for action. I grab three knives and step up onto a round mat. A touchpad stands at my side. I slide it on and press the hardest obstacle level. An automated voice speaks from it.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1." A light turns on over a target on my far left. Aim. Throw. Bullseye. Another light turns on way down at the end of the throwing range. Aim. Throw. Bullseye. My last target light should be turning on but I don't see it anywhere. I turn around and there it is. Aim. Throw. Bullseye. I never miss. Then all the lights turn back on and the range turns off. I walk over and take the knives out of the center of each target. I think I will work on my throwing some other time. Right now I want to learn a new weapon. I place the knives back on their shelf and walk over to the sword station. On my way I see it, I see the weapon I want to learn. A whip of blades. I pick it up at the combat station. The handle of it is the only part of it that is not covered in blades. I've never seen such an amazing weapon. I want to show Cato but first I want to try it out. I step out onto a mat and start whipping it back and fourth. I can't believe how swiftly it rips through the air. My excitement gets the best of me. I twirl it up over my head and to the side, I move it in fast figure eights.

Then I decide it would help if I tried it on some target dummies. I rip it to the side and it cuts off a patch of rubber on the hand. Then I use all my strength and hit the neck. It goes through maybe three or four inches. This is my weapon, it's my second option of course, but this is an amazing whip. Now I want to show Cato, I'm sure he'll be just as stunned as I was. When I get to the sword station, I watch as Cato decapitates a dummy. Then he rips off one's hand with his sword and stabs another. I watch his arms flex and his abs under his shirt are showing. He's so hot. Finally, he stops and smiles at me. I wave and motion him over. He comes and kisses my forehead.

"I wanted to show you this." I raise up the whip and his eyes widen.

"Wow, Clover this is amazing! Can you use it?" He asks. His voice is so deep, I love it.

"Yeah kinda. Wanna see?"

"Of course I do." He smiles and we both walk over to the mat. He stands back a good ten feet.

"Okay, ready?" I ask him.

"Go!" He yells. I can hear the excitement in his voice. He looks so happy, I can't help but think it will all be over soon.

I start whipping it back and fourth and over my head and I hit the dummies a few times. He loved it. He kept clapping and cheering me on. When I get done, I jump off the mat and run over to him.

"That was amazing!" He shouts. I laugh and thank him.

A few hours later, we take a lunch break before we head straight back to work. Hours later, we take a dinner break and finally go back to the apartment. I had a great day, seeing Cato so happy makes me so glad he's mine. We sit on the couch for a few hours watching previous Hunger Games so we know what to prepare for. In almost every one, someone always dies from infection, it's sickening. Dehydration is mostly my biggest worry. The Careers automatically claim the cornucopia so we won't have a close water supply unless the arena is an ocean.

After watching the old Hunger Games, I start to feel overwhelmed. I snuggle up next to Cato and stare at the screen.

"Cato?" I ask.


"What would happen if I die? Cato, I don't want to be a mutt, I don't want to hurt you."

"Clover, please don't think about that. You won't die, I promise you that." He says. Then I start crying uncontrollably.

"Baby, please don't cry, it's okay." He strokes my hair with his hand.

"I don't want to lose you, Cato!" I scream. I can hardly breathe from crying so hard. Every single horrible thing that could ever happen to him floods into my mind. Through all my screaming, I can hear Cato sniffling. I know he's crying too.

"Clove, listen to me. I won't ever let anyone touch you. Okay, Princess? And if they do I will kill them because . . ."

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