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The train is so quiet, going two hundred miles an hour and I can't feel a thing.

Cato and I sit on a velvety, red couch and await our mentors. This year, our mentors are Enobaria Tyler and Brutus Spone. Enobaria's teeth are filed to a point like a mutt, she's just as brutal as one too. Brutus won a few years ago by burning his enemies alive. He's more bloody than brutal, though. He likes to make his victims suffer a long painful death. Enobaria is basically the opposite. She gets what needs done, done fast. Paisley went to go get them in their train cars.

As the train slopes to the side, I grab Cato's arm to balance myself.

"Woah, train sick?" He asks. I nod and stare at the floor.

"It's okay, it won't be long until we reach the Capital." He assures me and puts his arm around my shoulders, I smile at him. I could drown in the color of his eyes, they are like the sea.

"Thanks. So, Cato Hadley. What is your favorite color?" I ask.

"Pink!" He shouts sarcastically.

"Oh, come on. What is your real favorite color?" I ask again.

"I'm quite a big fan of purple." He jokes and laughs.

"Cato, your level of sarcasm has gotten to such a high point I can't even tell if you're kidding anymore." I say.

"Oh, okay fine. Blue, blue is my favorite color. Happy?" He asks.

"Ecstatic." I say.

"What's your favorite color, Clover?" He leans closer to me just a bit and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

"It's Clove and you know it, my favorite color is green." I say.

"I know that." He answers.

"Really? How did you know that? I never even told you."

"You didn't have to tell me. I already know you."

"If you knew my favorite color then why did you ask?" I smile.

"I honestly have no idea." He admits and we both start laughing.

"How in the world are we gonna get sponsors?" I ask and we start laughing even harder. His smile could stop a crowd, it could build a castle and break down walls.

Finally, Paisley walks in along with Brutus and Enobaria. Cato takes his arm off from around my shoulder and I feel a cold rush sliver down my spine.

"Cato, Clove, this is Brutus and Enobaria!" Paisley squeaks. Enobaria is taller than I imagined and Brutus is ten times scarier than on TV.

"Hello." Enobaria says. Brutus nods at us and sits down on an adjacent couch, Enobaria follows.

"Hi." Cato and I answer at the same time. Paisley claps her hands and sits down on a small bar stool. I can't believe that I'm in the presence of Enobaria and Brutus, they are legends. I remember learning about them in school, they are the most brutal and bloodiest people in the world.

"You're our mentors right?" Cato asks. They both nod.

"Well, mentor us." He finishes.

"Right, well. Strategies for hunting, tracking, fighting, and surviving you will learn in the Training Center at the Capital. All we can say is search for high ground. When you find water, collect it. And hunting tributes at night is smart. It also depends on the arena, if the temperature is below 60 degrees, tributes will build fires. The flame will glow, it's basically like a 'come-and-get-me' light." Enobaria explains.

"Got it." I say. Suddenly the train goes dark, the lights are still on, we've just entered a tunnel. The train starts slowing down and enters the Capital train station.

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