We Will Never Lose

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AN/ Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story sooner!!! But here it is!! I hope you like it!!

Clove's POV.
I still am extremely shaky. I thought I had lost Cato. He's my safe place. He's my home. Losing him would be like losing the moon and all the stars. I would be stuck in complete blackness.

When we reach the training room, I don't dare let go of his hand. I want everyone to see us. I want them to see how proud I am of Cato, for surviving that awful elevator drop. I hope they know that we never lose. We are going to win this because we are the strongest ones here.

As soon as we step inside, all the tributes eyes are glued on us. I'm sure they've heard. In fact, I'm sure all of Panem has heard what happened. Even though Cato's left arm is broke, he walks over to the swords like always. I know he's pretty loaded with pain medications and who knows what kind of things the Capitol injected him with. But he doesn't show any signs that he needs a rest. I admire that about him. Well, I admire everything about him.

He lets go of my hand and reaches out to the biggest sword. "You don't have to stay, Clover. You can go attack some targets with you're knives." He grins a bit and winces as he tries to hold his sword with his broken arm. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Please, I'm not leaving you. You just got out of the hospital-"
"Cato, oh my God are you okay?!?? I heard what happened!" And here comes Glimmer. She runs up to him and grabs his cast to look at it. Cato seems a bit overwhelmed and pulls his arm away.
"I'm alright.." He mumbles and walks up to a training dummy. Glimmer's hair is pulled into two tight braids and I swear she has some sort of lipstick on. "Is there anything I can get you? I can come by you're floor tonight-"
"No." I spit out bluntly. She looks at me with a slightly surprised yet aggravated face. "I wasn't asking you." She hisses. And suddenly the sounds of the training dummy's limps falling off and hitting the floor grab our attention. Cato has hacked off the head and both arms. God, he's hot. Even with a cast. I smirk a bit at Glimmer and walk over to him. I put a hand on his broad muscular shoulder and learn infront of him. Just as I'm about to tell him something, training is dismissed.

The second we are lead back to our floor, a nurse comes and gives Cato another pain medication. I feel so bad for him. Why couldn't it have been me? Just when I thought she was going to leave, she brings some news. "Cato is scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 9-" Cato interrupts the short fragile looking lady and raises his eyebrows. "I'm what?" He asks.
"Getting surgery. We're going to mend you're broken bone together with steel so it'll be good as new to use in the Games." She shows no emotion and is very serious. But Cato doesn't seem to even care. "Yeah, whatever." I give Cato a look and the nurse leaves with some peacekeepers. "You're sure you want to do that?" I ask as we turn and walk into his room. He shrugs and nods.
"I'd like to have two working arms when I'm fighting for my life in the Games." We walk in and I just kind of stop by the bed. "Good point." I add. He then turns to me and grins. "And there's one other reason too." He steps closer and pushes me onto the bed playfully.

I groan and laugh. "And what is that?" I ask. He climbs on top of me and puts his good hand on the bed beside my head, holding himself up.
"This position is difficult with only one hand." He whispers. I raise an eyebrow when suddenly he flops down flat on top of me. Oh, God he's heavy! I lose my breath and wheeze.
"Agh, Cato get off! I can't breathe!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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