"I'm jealous." I said, snuggling deeper into the warmth of Sam's fleecy comforter.

He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, "Why is that?"

"It's just not fair." I sighed. "They have it so easy with Fred's traps and stuff and all they have to do is rip off a mask and BAM! Case solved! The real world is so much more brutal. I'd like to see them solve one of your cases is all; they'd stop being so confident."

"I see your point." He nodded, pulling me closer. "Don't worry, Jackson. One day we'll all find something that makes us so happy that all this bloodshed will be worth it. We'll never regret the battles we've faced because they lead us to that moment. Just remember that."

"Whatever you say, Winchester." I yawned, my words deep and mumbled. "Just watch your show and stop being all poetic."

Sam got up from the bed, reveling his bare chest. May I just say... wow. He grabbed a few things from his closet and slipped out of the room, returning within a moments notice fully clothed and ready for whatever the day brought. As far as we could tell, there were no cases to research. According to Dean, though, there are always people who will need our help.

Sam rubbed his face quickly, the exhaustion of sleep still affecting him noticeably. He walked over to me, smiling as he held out his hand for me to take. I yawned as I slipped my hand in his, Sam kindly pulling me up from the bed in an effortless motion.

"Thanks for letting me stay the night." I coughed, glancing at our hands.

He shook his head, "It's no problem. I understand not wanting to be alone during hard times."

"I'm sorry to intrude, Sam, but have you seen-"

A raspy voice sounded from the doorway, startling both of us. Castiel's blue eyes shone even in the complete lightness of the room. My cheeks grew red as I was suddenly very aware of the fact that I was in Sam's oversized shirt, and as far as my clothing- that's all you could see. With our hands still intertwined, my messy hair, his clothes, and the fact that I was waking up in his bedroom, I didn't doubt that Castiel thought something was going on. My assumptions were correct as he stared at us in shock and hurt, an emotion I didn't know he was capable of emitting.

"Hey, Cas." Sam greeted, quickly letting go of my hand as if it was a toxic flame.

"Hello, Jackson... Sam." He greeted coldly.

"Are you okay, Castiel?" I asked, turning to him with confusion. "You seem upset."

He started walking away, his shoes clicking on the tiles in a rhythmic pattern. I muttered an apology to Sam before chasing Cas out of the room, my bare feet smacking on the floors as I ran after my guardian angel. Whatever I did to make him finally experience emotion, especially one as devastating as hurt, I had to know. Sam and Dean finally got me to make amends with this angel and I didn't want that to stop now.

"Castiel, wait!" I screamed, chasing him into the library.

As much as I pleaded with him, he wouldn't stop walking. The aggravation coursed through my veins as I realized I didn't even know what I did to tick him off. Only one thing registered in my mind; however, if one of the brothers walked in it would ruin everything. Screw it, I thought. My lips moved ever so slightly as I muttered the curse, my eyes closing as the Latin flew off my tongue. Immediately, Castiel shimmered a light blue which disappeared as quickly as it occurred.

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