Brand New Love

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Danny's POV:

I woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around me. At first I sort of panicked, because I had no idea who's arms was wrap around me. Then it finally hit me. The events of last night started flooding back to me. Johnny and I going to the movies, and then running into my ex Henry. The images of Johnny ripping out Henry's heart were so vivid that it almost felt as if I were back in that darkened alleyway. My mind shifted and conjured the memory of Johnny and I kissing for the first time; we ended up cuddling and kissing all night as we laid in his bed. Eventually we just fell asleep in each other's arms. I opened my eyes and saw a peacefully sleeping Johnny Depp beside of me. He was snoring softly, which I found absolutely adorable. 'He's so frickin cute!!' I said inside of my head. I didn't wanna wake him up, so I just laid there and played with a stray strand of his hair. After a few minutes He took in a deep breath and yawned adorably. He slowly opened his eyes, and when he seen me a smile spread across his handsome face. "Good morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?" He asked in his cute morning voice. "I slept good." I replied with a smile as well. "Good, because I slept good as well." He said happily as he tightened his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his wonderful scent. "I guess we could tell the others that you and I are a couple now. "If we even make it down to breakfast." I said with a smile as he kissed my forehead. "Well, we don't have to tell them at breakfast. We can tell them at any time of the day." He said, but I knew he knew what I meant. We cuddled in bed for a while before I got up to take a shower. Once I was finished I got dressed and Johnny took a quick shower. We ended up actually making it for breakfast, which I was happy about. I was actually pretty hungry anyway. "Good morning sleepy heads. We didn't think either of you were gonna make it down for breakfast." Joe said with an amused smile on his face. "Well, we both had a pretty long night to be honest." Johnny said, and the guys obviously got the wrong idea. "Not like that, ya perverts." I said, which made them laugh. Johnny explained to them about our little encounter with Henry at the movie theater, and they seemed pleased about Henry's sudden and untimely departure from this world. "At least you won't have to worry about him anymore." Alice said, and I agreed. Now I could go out and do whatever I wanted without worrying about running into him. Johnny and I ate our breakfast with the others, but we didn't tell them about us being together. I figured we could just tell them later tonight instead. Deep down I desperately hopped they were alright with Johnny and I being a couple, and somehow I figured they would. 'You do know you'll have to leave this little get away before long. They can't stay here forever, and Johnny will wanna take you to movie premieres, concerts, etc. The whole world will know who you are and bother you all the time.' My subconscious said as I finished eating. 'Yeah, true... but ity worth it. He is worth it.' I said inside of my head. They boys went up to the recording room and I headed up to my room to read a little just to pass the time. I ended up finishing The Outsider by Stephen King, which was pretty good book in my opinion. After a few minutes I decided to go and see what the guys were up to. They were in the middle of recording one of their new songs, and I decided to sit in and listen to them play. It was nice to just relax and not really worry about anyone trying to break down the door to kill me. Before I knew it it was dinner time, and Jerry was serving us our food. I glanced towards Johnny, and I figured he got the hint. When everyone got finished with their meal we would tell them about us. "Guys, there's something you all ought to know." Johnny began, and everyone asked what he was taking about. I guess they thought he told them everything when he said he killed my ex boyfriend. "Danny and I are together. We're a couple, and it's not just because I got rid of her ex. We've been falling for each other ever since we met." He said, and I blushed a little. Everyone was silent for a while before they all congratulated us; they all seemed really happy that he and I decided to be together. But I could tell that a few of them looked a little unsure about it. I knew why as well; it's because of Johnny's ex wife. She was younger than him, and so am I. Everything just blew up between them, and it left some to view Johnny in a bad light, but it didn't make me view him in a bad light. That whole thing just threw him down a spiral of bad luck, and hoped that he was in a better state than he was. He sure seems like he's in a better state, and I wished I could make things even better. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my head as we continued to talk. I just really wanted them to know my intentions were good and pure.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! I know this chapter is short, but I hope you like it anyway. Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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