No Reflection

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Danny's POV:

"Hey, wake up." Johnny whispered softly. I slowly opened my eyes and found that I fell asleep. My head was resting on his chest and his arms were gently wrapped around me. I rubbed my eyes before I sat up. "I'm sorry for falling asleep on you." I said with a slight laugh. "It's okay. You should have seen Alice's reaction when he seen us laying in bed together." He said with a slight chuckle as he ran a hand through his hair. "Oh my god. What did he do?" I asked curiously. "His eyes got big, and I told him it wasn't what it looked like. I said we were just hanging out and you ended up falling asleep." He replied with a small smile on his face. "Did he believe you." I asked as we got off of his bed. I stretched and figured it was time for dinner, which I was happy about. My stomach was aching with hunger, and I'm sure Johnny could hear it growling. "I'm not sure. He just left and closed the door behind him after he said dinner was almost ready." He said with a light chuckle. "Oh well." I replied. We walked out of his room and downstairs into the dinning room. Everyone was in their usual spots. I felt like everyone was watching Johnny and I, and I couldn't help but wonder if Alice told them how he found us. We sat down next to each other and Jerry brought the food in for us. Chris, Tommy, and Glen made small talk with basically everyone; I didn't mind that they were talking, but it felt as if they were trying to prevent any moment of awkward silence. After we ate Marilyn Manson asked if I'd take a walk with him. Joe, Alice, and Johnny gave him a look but I said yes anyway. I was nervous about being alone with him, especially since I overheard part of their conversation the other night. Manson took me outside and around the back of the house, which was where the maze was. 'He's gonna hurt you. He's gonna suck your blood and turn you into a vampire.' My subconscious was telling me, but I chose to ignore it. If he did try anything with me, Johnny would do something about it. "Danny, I know we haven't known each other for a long time. Practically everyone you're around are strangers to you. But I've noticed that Johnny has developed a liking towards you. If I'm correct... I think you've developed a liking for him as well." He said as we walked towards the center of the maze together. "You're right, I don't know much about any of you. All I know is what the media posts and talks about you guys, but I honestly feel like I've known you guys all my life. Your music and movies have always been there when I needed them the most; that's enough for me," I said as we continued walking through the maze. "I have taken a liking to Johnny, especially since he had been so sweet and kind to me. I just... I just feel safe when I'm with him." I said, feeling myself blush. When we finally reached the center of the maze, I was shocked by its beauty. The fountain, flowers, and everything looked so much more beautiful in the golden sunlight. Manson sat down on one of the benches, and I joined him after hesitating for a second. "Johnny has a big heart, and when he loves... he loves with everything he has. I've seen him trust people he shouldn't have and I've seen him love people that didn't deserve it. I'm sure he could say the same about me, but I'm not as forgiving as he is. I admit that I didn't trust you at first, but I can see that I was wrong; however, if you hurt Johnny or anyone else in that house... I won't hesitate to kill to protect what I love and believe in." He said, and I took what he said seriously. "I have no intentions of hurting any of you, Manson. But if any of you try to kill me, I won't hesitate either. I won't be taken advantage of. I won't stand by and let someone beat me up physically and mentally... not this time." I said with determination in my voice. A smile spread across Manson's face and his eyes lot up excitedly. "You know, I think you'll fit in just fine with our little group of misfits and weirdos." He said as he heartily patted me on the back. We sat there silently for a few moments before we walked back into the house. The sun was setting fast and night wasn't far behind. He told me to follow him to the recording room, which I did. Everyone was there, and Johnny was sitting on a couch holding his guitar. I've watched a bunch of YouTube videos of them playing concerts, and they're just amazing. I love Johnny's guitar playing, but I love it when he sings; there's just something about the way he holds that microphone. Call me crazy, but it's true. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my head and sat down next to him, which made him smile. "How was you walk?" He asked me curiously. "It was good." I replied. "Guys, she can be trusted. I think we should tell her." Manson said, and everyone looked over at him. "Are you sure?" Glen asked curiously. "Yeah, I mean... she hasn't been staying here long." Chris agreed with Glen. "What makes you think we can trust her?" Tommy asked curiously as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Because of what she told me on our walk," Manson replied. A moment of silence passed over us as Manson glanced over at Alice. "What do you say Alice? You're boss." Joe said. "Come on, it's time." Alice said. Everyone laid their musical instruments down and we followed Alice out of the recording studio. Johnny and I were at the back of the group, but I already knew where we were headed when we walked into the library. Alice pulled that small book down, and the secret passageway opened like it had for me. Johnny slipped his hand into mine, and my heart fluttered. I looked over at him and he smiled sweetly at me with a soft look in his hypnotic eyes. Alice lead the group into the narrow passage, which made us have to walk single file. Johnny kept his hand in mine, which I was thankful for. But that made me last in line, because he was walking ahead of me. 'I'd follow you barefoot through a field of thorns, Johnny.' I though and blushed. I was happy when we reached the cellar looking room, even though it was creepy. "What is this place for?" I asked curiously as I looked around. I wanted it to seem like I was seeing this place for the very first time. "The jars of stuff was Manson's idea. He wanted it to look as creepy as possible, but the crystal ball and tarot cards aren't decoration. Neither is this." Alice said as he flung the purple curtain wide open. "We're vampires, Danny." Joe said as I started at the podium. Nothing had been touched or moved since I was here last time. "But we're not just any vampires. You see... we're day walkers." Johnny said. "What does that mean?" I asked curiously. "We're able to walk in the sunlight, but we still have to drink blood. We're not completely dead, but we're not completely alive either." Manson said. I knew they were vampires, but I never thought they were a special type of vampire. We stood there in silence for what felt like forever until someone spoke up again. "So... do you still wanna stay here even though you know we're monsters?" Johnny asked me curiously with a sad look in his beautiful brown eyes. "You're not monsters, Johnny. I've lived with a full on human for two years, and he's more of a monster than any of you will ever be." I said, and the sadness in his eyes melted away. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him as well and snuggled into his chest. "So you'll stay?" He asked curiously. "Of course I'm gonna stay." I replied with a slight laugh as he pulled me closer to him. "Alright love birds, let's get out of here and record some music. That album isn't gonna record itself." Alice said, and the others chuckled. Johnny and I broke the hug reluctantly and I blushed when we made eye contact. We followed Alice out of the cellar and through the passage. We all ended up in the recording room where I watched the boys play their music, which was amazing. I couldn't wait for the album they were working on to hit stores all over the world.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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