Truth and Fear

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Danny's POV:

After we finished eating, Joe suggested that they show me their music studio. The place looked amazing. It was like they combined their styles into one room, which was strange but it worked in some odd way. "The rest of the band is supposed to be here in a couple of days. We're currently working on a new album." Alice after we left the room. "Cool, I can't wait to hear it." I said with a smile. "Now that we have you, we can get a live fan reaction to our music before we release it to the public." Johnny said as we walked down the hallway. "That'll really help us out with connecting with younger audiences as well." Joe agreed. They ended up showing me around the place, which I enjoyed. At least I knew where all the bathrooms were if I was in desperate need of one. And what really made me happy was the fact that this place has a lovely library in it. "You're free to do whatever you like. Just don't go snooping around too much, you might find something you don't like." Alice said before he and Joe left the library. I couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that, but he could just be pulling my leg. "Don't worry, he's just kidding." Johnny said with a side smile. He patted my shoulder before he started for the door. "Wait, don't go." I said out loud before I even thought about what I was saying. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I mentally cursed myself. "Oh, I... I didn't get expect that you'd want me to spend time with you." He said after he turned back around to face me. "Oh, well... if you're busy it's okay. You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to." I said, feeling a little nervous. "No, it's fine." He said with another one of his side smiles. We looked at the many spines on the books that covered every wall from floor to ceiling. An old leather book caught my eye, mostly because it didn't have a name printed on the spine. As I pulled off of the shelf I noticed that it had the same crest the dinning room doors had on it. 'I wonder what that crest means.' I thought inside of me head. "I wouldn't take that one out of the library if I were you," Johnny said, rather close to my ear. I jumped slightly, and I knew he noticed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you sweetheart. But, whatever you do, don't take that book out of this room." He said. I fangirled inside when he called me sweetheart, but I couldn't help but wonder why I couldn't take this old book out of the library. 'Maybe he just doesn't want anything to happen to it.' I thought in my head. "I can still read it though, can't I?" I asked curiously with furrowed brows. "Of course you can." He said sweetly. I placed the book back on the shelf; I didn't wanna start reading a new book before I finished the one I was already reading. I knew I'd be spending most of my time in here though, and I had a feeling that Johnny knew that as well. After I looked around a little more we ended up sitting at the wooden table that was in the center of the room. The floor here was black and white just like the dinning room. "So, what's the real reason I found you on the side of the road?" He said, which caught me off guard. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously, not really wanting to discuss it. "Come on, don't play dumb with me. I know you're running away from something or someone." He said with a serious look on his face. "Fine... I'm running from my boyfriend, well... ex boyfriend now. He... he's just an awful person." I said as tears fill my eyes. "Hey, it's okay, come here." He said softly as he stood up and moved into Tue seat beside of me. "What did he do to you?" He asked with a soft look in his beautiful brown eyes. "He use to abuse me... physically and verbally. I just couldn't take it anymore; I packed my things and left while he was at work." I said as I let the tears fall freely. It was like a year's worth of pain and stress was bleeding out of me through my tears. "It's okay, Danny. You're safe now. You have us now, and we'll never let him hurt you if he figures out that you're here." He said as he wrapped his arms around me. The way he rubbed my back and the way he held me made me feel like he actually cares about me. After we broke the hug he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. He ended up walks me upstairs to my room where he gave me my room key and one last hug. I closed the door behind me and made sure it was locked before I changed into my pajamas. Once I was underneath the soft covers of my bed, I actually fell into a deep sleep. Something I haven't done in what feels like forever. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, which made me smile. 'I wonder what I'll do today.' Thought inside of my head as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. After I got out of bed I took a quick shower and got ready for the day. I put on a pair of old ripped blue jeans, a tie dyed t-shirt, and an old pair of converse. I made sure to bring along all of the clothes Henry hated me wearing; all of the clothes he thought he got rid of when he burned half of my band t-shirts and ripped jeans. By the time I was dressed I figured I'd go down to the dinning room for breakfast. 'If they already ate I'd just get myself something' I said inside of my head as I headed downstairs. When I opened the dinning room doors I noticed that everyone was there, but breakfast hadn't been served yet. "Good morning, Danny. Did you sleep well?" Alice asked me curiously. "I slept great. That's the softest bed I've ever slept in." I replied with a small smile. "Well, I'm glad you got a good night's rest." He replied with a smile as well. I sat down next to Johnny and he rubbed my shoulder gently, which made me smile a little more. "So, anyone have any plans for today?" Joe asked all of us curiously. "We should make a grocery list since we're getting pretty low on food." Johnny suggested. After we ate breakfast they constructed a grocery list, and I added a few personal items on the list. Being in a house where dudes live, there's no way they'd just have an emergency stash of pads. I felt a little embarrassed about writing it down, but it had to be done. Alice handed the butler the grocery list, and I kinda felt bad for him. "I could go with you if need any help with the groceries." I said to the white haired man. "I can manage, but thanks anyway." The butler said. "Come on, Jerry. Let her help you; it'll give you someone to talk to." Joe said encouragingly. "Very well. Meet me outside by the dark gray Lincoln after you've finished your breakfast." Jerry said before he left the room. The guys and I ate our food in relative silence, but I didn't mind. "Well, I better meet up with Jerry or he'll think I've changed my mind." I said as I stood up from the table. "Be careful." Johnny said with a knowing look in his eyes. "I will." I replied with a small smile. I walked outside and spotted a dark gray Lincoln, just like Jerry described. He opened the passenger door for me and I thanked him. Once he got in the car and buckled up, he started driving down the driveway. I was suddenly aware of how secluded this place was, which gave me a little more comfort. I stared out of the window admiring the beautiful scenery since I was sleeping the first time I came this way. The sky was gray, and I figured it would probably rain sometime today. 'I should have brought a jacket with me.' I thought inside of my head. The car ride was completely silent, but it was a comfortable silence. As we pulled onto the main road I spotted a few leaves that were starting to turn orange. I was so ready for fall time, because it's my favorite season; I love Halloween as well. "Is it alright if I turn on the radio?" Jerry asked me curiously. "Sure, go ahead." I replied with a small smile. He did so, and The Smashing Pumpkins filtered through the speakers. I couldn't help the smile that was on my face as we headed towards town. Before I knew it we were pulling into a Shop 'n' Save parking lot. "We can cut the list in half so we can get everything quicker." Jerry said as he neatly ripped the sheet of paper. "Meet me in the bakery area when your finished." He said as we each grabbed a cart. "Okay." I replied. We went our separate ways to gather everything that was on the list. I was just glad I got to pick out the brand of pads instead of having Jerry pick them out. I bet he would have been so embarrassed getting them himself. It took a while to get everything on my half of the list, but it felt nice to actually get out. I haven't went grocery shopping in what feels like forever. I walked over to the bakery and looked around a bit as I waited on Jerry. And then, beyond my better judgement... I turned my cellphone on. Right when I unlocked it, the thing blew up with messages and they were all from Henry. 'Don't look at them.' I said inside of my head, but I ignored it.

Henry: Where the fuck are you!?!?

Henry: Are you with your other boyfriend. YOU FUCKIN SLUT!!

Henry: You no good, lazy ass motherfucker!! You fuckin packed your SHIT AND LEFT ME!?!?!?!?!?! NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE LEAVES HENRY SHREW!!!!!


My heart was pounding in my chest. I blocked his number and then shut my phone back off. 'He's gonna kill me. He's gonna fuckin kill me.' I thought inside of my head. "Hey, I see you got everything." Jerry said, and I jumped. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright? You look really pale." He said with concern in his pale blue eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I replied, but I knew he didn't believe me. "Alright, let's pay for this and head back to the house." He said. I could feel him watching me every once in a while, and I didn't blame him. I think he was afraid that I was gonna pass out or something. After we paid for the groceries I helped him load everything into the car. He took the carts back, because he insisted that I sit down. I thought he was gonna take me back to the house, but he was ended up stopping at a coffeehouse. "How do you take your coffee?" He asked me curiously. "Black." I replied. "Okay, I'll be right back." He said, shooting me a worried glance before he left. As I sat there I couldn't help but look around and make sure Henry wasn't out there somewhere watching me. A few minutes later Jerry came back with two large cups of hot coffee, which I thanked him for. The warmth and caffeine seemed to bring some color back into my face, and it made me feel a little better as well. I knew I wouldn't feel completely safe until I was back at the house with the others. It felt like it took ten years to get back, which was way different from when we left earlier today. I helped Jerry carry the bags of groceries inside and Johnny soon joined me. "There's something I have to tell you later." I whispered to Johnny as we grabbed the last of the stuff. "What's wrong?" He asked with furrowed brows. "It's about... you know who." I replied, and a serious look took over his expression. We helped Jerry put everything away before Johnny suggested that he and I go back to the library. After we sat down I told him about the messages Henry had sent me, and I expressed how terrified I was. "Danny, I told you last night. We're not gonna let him hurt you; I'll kill him myself if I have to." He said with a sympathetic look in his beautiful eyes. One look in his eyes just made all of my worried melt away. He wrapped his arms around me, and I breathed in his comforting scent. Everything about him seemed to just relax me. He suggested a walk around the house, and I thought that was a good idea. I just hoped that Henry didn't find out I was staying here, because there was no telling what he'd do even with Johnny and the others protecting me.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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