The Mansion

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Danny's POV:

"Hey, we're here. Wake up Danny." I heard someone say in a soft whisper. I furrowed my brows and yawned slightly without opening my eyes. A few minutes passed before I rubbed my eyes; I opened them to see the truck cab lit with light. For the first time I got to see my rescuer's face, and I was stunned at how handsome he looked. I was even more stunned by the fact that it was Johnny Depp. I suddenly felt so stupid that I didn't recognize him sooner, but it was pitch black outside and he wasn't the number one thing on my mind at the time. He had that goatee thing going on his slightly tanned face. And his dark brown eyes just seemed like they hypnotized me. His brown hair was sort of long, but not too long. "Where are we?" I asked curiously, because I honestly had no idea. "Somewhere safe. Come on, let's get you inside." He said with a sweet smile on his face. We got out of his truck, and I noticed that the rain had stopped. There were faint rumbles of thunder in the distance though, and I wanted to get inside before it started to storm again. Not that I don't like storms, I just don't like getting soaking wet from the rain. I grabbed some of my bags and Johnny grabbed the rest as we walked onto the porch of a giant home. It looked like an old Victorian mansion. He sat my bags down briefly so he could unlock the door. I followed him inside and closed the door behind me. The place looked beautiful; it looked like the Victorian home of my dreams. "Follow me, I'll show you up to one of the rooms." He said with a small smile on his face. We walked upstairs and he lead me down one of the hallways. "So, you stay here then?" I asked with furrowed brows. He seemed like he knew the place like the back of his hand. "You could say that I guess. I basically live here when I wanna get away from everything." He said with a slight laugh. "Here we are," He said as he stopped in front of a dark wooden door. "I know you'll want your privacy, so I'll make sure to get you a key." He said before he opened the door and let me go inside. I switched on the light and was amazed at how beautiful it was. Everything here had a slight gothic look to it, which I absolutely love! He brought my bags in and sat them down beside of the ones I placed on the floor. I looked around a bit and found a joining bathroom, which I was thankful for. "Here's your jacket. I'm afraid the lining is soaked from the rain that was on me." I said, feeling guilty. "It's fine, I'll just hang it up and let it dry out." He said as he grabbed it and folded it in his arms. "Thanks for bringing me here by the way. I'm not sure what I would have done if you hadn't stopped." I said with a small smile. "Don't mention Danny. Well.... I'll leave you alone. I'm sure you wanna get out of those wet clothes. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." He said sweetly. "I'm a huge fan of your acting by the way." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Thanks. I kinda figured you knew who I was, especially when your eyes grew the size of saucers when you finally got to see my face." He said with a smile as he ran a hand through his hair. If it was possible, I think my face would have gotten even more red "See you when dinner is ready. I'll come up and get if you like." He said after a few minutes of silence. "Okay." I replied. He left my room and I picked out some cloths from my bags before I walked into the bathroom. Thankfully the bathroom door had a lock on it, so I wouldn't be nervous about someone barging in. I peeled my wet clothes off of my body and stepped into a tub filled with warm water. The heat soaked into my cold bones, and it relaxed my tense muscles. I washed my hair and body thoroughly before I got out and dried off. As the water drained out of the tub, I put on the new clothes I picked out. It wasn't the most flattering outfit, but I didn't care. If Henry ever seen me dressed in gray sweatpants and a Rolling Stones t-shirt, he'd give me one of his lessons. If I wasn't wearing a dress he was never happy with the way I looked, and he'd call me a colorful a assortment of names. Once I was finished combing through my hair and everything, I walked into my room and sat down on the bed. I picked up my phone because I was tempted to turn it on, but I decided against it. A few minutes went by before I dug into one of bags and pulled out the current book I was reading, which was The Outsider by Stephen King. 'I wonder if Johnny lives in this place all by himself.' I thought, but pressed my thoughts to the back of my head as I started reading. Three chapters and six pages later, there was a knock on my door. "Danny, dinner is ready." I heard Johnny say on the other side of the door. "Okay." I replied as I marked my place in the book before setting it aside. When I opened the door I found that he was still standing there. He had an attractive smile on his face, which made me smile as well. "Hey." I said happily. "Hey, nice shirt." He said happily as well. "Thanks." I replied, feeling myself blush slightly. "I thought I better show you where the dinning room is. I don't want you getting lost; it's easy to do around here." He said with a slight smirk. "Oh, I bet it is." I said, and he laughed slightly. He lead me downstairs and to a set of double doors to the right side of the foyer. These doors were the same color as the room doors, but they had carvings in them. I spotted a few pumpkins and some sort of crest with a bat I'm the center of it. Johnny opened the doors to reveal a beautiful dinning room. The curtains were a dark burgundy color, and the floor looked like a black and white chess board. The table in the center of the room was black with matching chairs. A red table runner held three pronged candle holders that ran the length of the table. "Johnny, is this the girl you were talking about?" I heard a voice ask. Alice Cooper walked out of the kitchen, followed by Joe Perry. "Yeah, this is Danny." Johnny replied with a smile on his face. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Alice Cooper." Alice said with a small smile. He held out his hand for me to shake, and I did so. "It's nice to meet you too. I love your music." I replied, smiling like an idiot. I was fangirling so hard right now, because I was in the company of pure awesomeness!! "Thanks. I'm glad that you like my work." He replied happily. Joe shook my hand as well, and I was expressed that I love Aerosmith and the Hollywood Vampires. A butler type of guy came out with a bunch of food. The guys each had an extremely rare steak, which made me a little queasy. But it didn't make me queasy enough to stop me from devouring a well done steak of my own. "Is that how you guys always eat steak?" I asked curiously. "Absolutely." Alice replied. "You might as well take a bite out of the cow." I said jokingly, which made them laugh. We ate in comfortable silence for what felt like forever before someone spoke up. "So, where are you heading? Johnny said he found you on the side of the road in your broken down car." Joe said with hit on curiosity in his eyes. "Well, I was actually just gotta go as far as my car let me. I guess in some strange way I was supposed to come here." I replied before I took a sip of my water. "You can stay here as Shady Grove Manor as long as you want. Don't feel like you have to leave as soon as you can, okay?" Alice said with a kind look in his eyes. "Thank." I said with a smile. We continued eating whilst making small talk. They asked me what I do for a living, which was basically nothing. Before Henry went off the deep end I actually made and sold paintings, jewelry, and I was a photographer as well. He didn't like me being artsy for some odd reason, but that was gonna change. "Really? I thought you'd be the artsy type of girl." Johnny said with furrowed brows. "Well, I use to be. It's sort of a long story, but I intended to start being artsy again." I said. They all gave m curious looks, and I had a feeling I'd have to tell them about Henry before too long. But I can wait until that opportune moment arises. Strangely enough, I felt so much safer with these complete strangers than I have with my ex in a very long time.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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