Hollywood Vampires

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A/N: This chapter could be disturbing and or scary to some people. Reader discretion is advised.

Danny's POV:

I woke up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before getting out of bed. I took a quick shower before I put on some clothes. I decided to wear a pair of ripped black jeans and an Alice Cooper t-shirt. When I walked into the dinning room I saw that I was the only one there, which surprised me. It wasn't too late, so I wondered where they were. "Good morning Danny. I'm afraid you'll be dinning alone this morning. The guys left early to pick up Chris Wyse, Tommy Henriksen, and Glen Sobel from the airport." Jerry said as he sat my food down in front of me. "That's alright. You could join me if you'd like." I said with a small smile. "Thanks for the offer, but I have some work I have to do." He said with a look in his eyes that sorry. I told him it was fine and started eating the food he had prepared for me. After eating I took my dishes into the kitchen and then walked to the library. Instead of reading my book, I decided to just look for something to read in there instead. I was gonna read the book I spotted in here last time, but I decided not to. After a few minutes of looking around I spotted a small book that looked out of place compared to the others. I reached for it and tried pulling it off the shelf, but it didn't come off. Instead, it came down like a lever. I heard a noise come from the other side of the room; when I looked over I noticed that one of the shelves moved back to reveal a secret passage. 'I should have known this place would have a secret passage way.' I thought inside of my head. At first I was just gonna ignore it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I walked towards the open passage and was surprised to see there was a small hallway going the entire length of the wall. I wondered if there's a whole system that leads through the whole house. Especially since there were old Edison styled light bulbs all down the hall on either side. As I walked forward the book shelf slid back into place, and I wondered if Jerry could hear anything. I desperately hoped that he couldn't. I walked forward and found that I was right; there was an entire passage through between the walls of the house. 'Why would a group of rock stars need this in their collaboration/recording place?' I asked curiously inside of my head. Once I reached the back of the house I found a wooden door, which I opened. There was a set of stone steps leading down; beyond my better judgement I carried on. I went too far just to turn back this time. Lights lit the way down, and it opened up to an underground area. It was kinda like a basement, but it was much larger than that. It looked more like some sort of dungeon or cellar. Shelves lined the walls which adorned various sizes of glass jars. As I got closer I could tell what was in those jars. Some held pickled pig fetuses, fully grown rats, eyeballs, fingers, toes, tongues, etc. A large stone table held what looked like a crystal ball along with tarot cards, various gems and stones, candles, incense sticks and burners. 'What kind of fuckin shit are these guys into?' I asked inside of my head. There was a purple curtain blocking off another section of the room. I walked towards it and opened it to see a podium standing in the center of what looked like a pentagram. Zodiac and elemental symbols surrounded the pentagram as well. I got the overwhelming feeling of powerful magic, but it didn't feel evil or bad. I walked further into the room to find an open book laying on the podium. I glanced at the book, but the words were written in a language I couldn't read; it looked as if it was in Latin. In the far corner of the room sat a large black colored freezer. I walked towards it and opened the lid to find it was filled with frozen plastic bags of blood. They looked as if they had been stolen from a hospital, which was probably exactly where they came from. I shut the freezer door, but I didn't leave just yet. As I walked on I noticed there was a set of steps at the other end of the room. I walked up the other set of stairs and found a trap door. After I opened it I found that it lead right into the maze I was in yesterday. 'Maybe I did hear someone yesterday instead of an animal.' I thought inside of my head. I went back down and made my way back to the library. When I got back I was surprised to see that Jerry wasn't standing there waiting on me. 'Thank god he didn't hear anything.' I thought as I walked out of the library. I decided to go check on Jerry to see if he had noticed anything. He was sitting in the kitchen sipping on a cup of tea. "Are you finished with you work?" I asked him curiously. "Yeah, why?" He replied with furrowed brows. "I was wondering if you could take me to the local book store." I said. "What? You couldn't find anything you wanted in the library?" He asked before taking another sip of his tea. "No, not really. I'm looking for a couple new books actually." I said, hoping he'd buy my lie. I was surprised that he did, but I was happy he had. He finished his tea and took me to the local book store. He ended up just waiting on me in the car, which I was thankful for. As I looked through the many shelves of books, I finally found what I was looking for. The books I got were all non fiction, which was shocking due to the titles. I bought The Legend of Vampires, Wiccan and Witch Craft, Vampires: A History, Dark Magic and White Magic, and a brand new notebook for notes. After I bought the books I headed out to the car and got in the passenger seat. "Did you find everything you needed?" Jerry asked me curiously. "Yeah. Thanks for bringing me here." I said with a slight smile. "No problem." He replied before he pulled out into the street. He took me back to the house and got started on fixing lunch for us all. I could hear music coming from the recording studio, so I figured the boys were back. I headed up to my room and locked the door behind me before looking at the books I got today. 'I should do my research at night instead of during the day. That way they suspect anything. If I stay in my room all the time they might think I discovered something.' I thought inside of my head. An hour went by of me trying to piece everything together, but deep down I knew everything already. I know they're vampires, real vampires. Why else would they eat practically fully raw steak? Why else would Johnny have a hypnotic effect on me? 'Does that mean that Marilyn Manson wanted to drink my blood?' I asked inside of my head curiously. 'Probably, but Alice, Joe, and Johnny told him no. At least they're looking after me.' My subconscious replied. I headed downstairs to join the others for lunch, since my stomach started growling like crazy. As I walked into the dinning room I spotted Chris, Tommy, and Glen. "So this is Danny? The boys have said a lot about you in the short time we've been here." Tommy said with a slight smile on his face. "Well, hopefully they're all good things." I said with a slight laugh. I took my seat next to Johnny. "Of course they were all good things." Joe said with a smile. Jerry came in with the food, which looked delicious. He also poured the guys a dark red liquid to drink, and it looked suspiciously like blood. I decided not to pay too much attention to it as I ate my lunch. We made small talk, which was nice. They all seemed like cool and kind people, but the fact that they're probably vampires lingered in the back of my mind. When we finished eating Alice took everyone except for Jerry, Johnny, and I to a different room. Johnny and I offered to help Jerry clean up. I was washing the dishes when I felt something sharp cut into the palm of my hand. "Shit." I muttered as I quickly pulled my injured hand out of the soapy water. The cut stung like a bitch, and the blood was coming out pretty good. "Shit! Jerry, grab the first aid kit from the bathroom!!" Johnny said loudly. Jerry quickly left the room while Johnny assisted me. He gently grabbed my wrist and turned on the warm water to rinse off the soap suds and blood. Jerry came back with the first aid kit and Johnny dried my hand off with a towel. He grabbed a chair for me to sit in while he put disinfectant on the cut, which stung even more. But I knew it had to be done. "Does she need stitches?" Jerry asked curiously. "No, she'll be fine as soon as I get her bandaged up." Johnny replied. The feeling of his soft hands just made me want to hold them, which was a stupid thought. "There, all better." He said with a small smile as he threw the trash away. "Thanks." I said as I stood up. "No problem sweetheart. I'm just glad it wasn't any worse." He said as he washed his hands. Jerry was draining the dish water, because he now had to disinfect the sink and remaining dishes. "Come with me, I wanna show you something." Johnny said as he gently grabbed my un-injured hand. I followed him upstairs, and he ended up taking me to his bedroom. I admit that I was a little nervous, but out of all of them Johnny is the one I trust the most. "What did you wanna show me?" I asked him curiously. "Have a seat, I'll show you." He said with a smile. I sat down on his messy bed, which looked a lot like my own. He opened his closet door and pulled out a bag full of stuff. "Here, I got you this as a little welcoming gift." He said with that smile still on his face as he sat down next to me. I opened the bag to see a Hollywood Vampires t-shirt. "Johnny, I love it." I said with a smile. "Good, I'm glad." He said and I gave him a side hug. How hugged me back, which made me smile. I suddenly realized I didn't care if they were really vampires or not, because they've been so sweet and kind to me. But I just had to be sure. That's why I bought those books. I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. "Do you wanna hangout... just you and me?" He asked after a few minutes. "Sure." I replied with a smile. He smiled as well and got up to turn on some music. We laid on his bed and just enjoyed each other's company. He played with my hair while I listened to the gentle beating of his heart. I never felt so safe surrounded by something that seems so scary and dangerous.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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