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A/N: This chapter may contain content that is triggering, scary, and or disturbing to some readers. This also applies to video linked above.

Reader discretion is advised.

Danny's POV:

~ Time Jump - Two Months Later ~

Since I know they're all vampires now, they literally drink out of blood bags. It's strange, but I knew I'd have to get use to it. "What are your plans for tonight?" Alice asked me curiously as he and the others finished recording a new song. "Johnny and I were going out to a movie, actually." I replied. "That's nice. What are you two going to see?" He asked curiously as he grabbed a blood bag. "I don't know yet. I guess we'll just decide when we get there." I said with a small smile. Manson sat down next to me and ruffled my hair slightly. "Hey." I said with a slight laugh. I straightened up my hair, and he chuckled. "Johnny said you two were going out to a movie." Manson said with an amused smile on his face. "Yeah, we are." I replied with a smile. We talked for a while and the boys recorded another song before Jerry came up to tell us that dinner was ready. After washing my hands I headed down to the dinning room and took my usual seat, which was next to Johnny. He was wearing a white buttoned shirt and a pair of black jeans, which made him look so good. I honestly think he could wear anything and look good in it. 'He probably looks good wearing nothing too.' I said inside of my head and blushed. 'Be gone thought!!' I yelled inside of my head, but it didn't work very well. Jerry served us our food, and they guys openly eat completely raw steaks. That's another thing that's gonna take some time to get use to. I tried to ignore the bloody chunk of meat on their plates as I ate my own food. "What are you two going to see tonight?" Tommy asked Johnny and I curiously. "We don't know. We decided to choose the movie when we get there." Johnny replied with an adorable smile on his handsome face. I fell so hard for him over the past couple of months, and every little thing he does just seems cute, adorable, hot, or sexy to me. The guys were talking, but I didn't hear a single word of it. My mind was too preoccupied with the idea of a naked Johnny Depp. "Did you hear me?" Joe asked, taking me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked curiously as my cheeks heated up once more. They all chuckled at the fact I wasn't paying attention, but if they they knew what I was thinking about I knew they'd tease me to no end. "I said that you two should be careful going to the movies tonight. You never know what kinds of crazies will be out; it's a full moon after all." Joe said with a cautious look in his eyes. Suddenly, I wondered if werewolves were real. 'Of course they are, Danny. You're currently sitting at a table surrounded by vampires, why wouldn't werewolves exist too?' My subconscious replied to me. We finished eating and I helped Jerry collect the dishes. He didn't want me to wash them, especially since the last time I ended up cutting myself on accident. Johnny and I said goodbye to the others as we got into his truck and took off towards town. The sun was sitting fast, but I didn't mind, especially since I had my vampire with me. I giggled at that thought. "What's so funny?" Johnny asked playfully. "Nothing." I replied with a smile. I could tell he didn't believe me, but he didn't press the matter. He just chuckled lightly and shook his head in an amused sort of manner. Before I knew it we were pulling into the movie theater parking lot. After he parked the car we got out and walked towards the building. I linked my arm in his, which made him smile his beautiful smile. We ended up deciding to watch Life Of The Party, just because it looked like it would be funny. That and I just love Melissa McCarthy. After we got the tickets we bought a big bag of popcorn to share and two drinks. As we walked into the theater, I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. There was just something that didn't feel right. "Are you alright, darling?" Johnny whispered in my ear. "No. I feel like we're being watched." I whispered back. "Good, because I'm starting to feel the same way." He replied in a whisper as well. He and I sort of casually looked around, but we couldn't really pick anyone out due to the large crowds of people. I never knew that the movies were so crowded on a weekend, but it's not like Henry ever took me out anyway. With that thought, panic started rising inside of me. 'Henry. Was it him? Was he the one watching us? Did he finally find me?!' I wondered as Johnny and I took our seats in the darkened theater. 'This is the perfect place to do whatever he wants to me. Especially since everyone is gonna be focused on the movie or their phones.' I thought, and Johnny seemed to notice my discomfort. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm right here with you, and I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you." He said softly as he wrapped an arms around me. It might be the cheesiest move a guy can make, but right now I didn't care. It made me feel safe, and that's what I needed. More people came in and took their seats; I tried to see if I could recognize any of them as Henry, but it was impossible in the darkness. After a while the movie started, and my worries melted away as I focused on the screen in front of me. The movie was hilarious, and I almost thought I was gonna cry from how much I laughed. Johnny and I stood up to leave the movie theater. Johnny stepped into the flowing crowd of people first, and I went go in him. Suddenly, a hand was firmly placed over my mouth, and a hard object was gained into my side. "If you try to fight me, I'll shoot you right here and right now." I heard an all too familiar voice whisper in my hear. 'Henry..... he's gonna kill me.' I thought inside of my head. 'Johnny, please! Please save me!! Johnny... help.' I said, willing and hoping that somehow he could hear my thoughts. Tears pooled in my eyes as Henry forcefully pulled me backwards down the isle and towards the emergency exit. It felt like an eternity before he opened the black metal door; I thought an alarm might sound, but nothing happened. Once we were in the back ally, he slammed me against the brick wall with all his strength. The impact of my back against the bricks knocked the wind out of me and sensation of vibrating pain spread through my body. His eyes were black with rage and hatred... hatred towards be because of what I done... because I left him. "You thought you could run away from me and get away with it. Didn't you, you little bitch!?! DIDN'T YOU!?!?!" He yelled as he pointed a shinny chunk of metal at me. I didn't even have to see it to know it was a gun. 'He's gonna kill you.' My subconscious told me. 'Let him. It'll be better than going back with him anyways.' I said inside of my head. "Who was that little prick you were with?! Is that the man you were sleeping with behind my back?! HUH!?! ANSWER ME GOD DAMN IT!?!?!?! I swear to god, I'll FUCKING PULL THIS TRIGGER AND PAINT THE SIDE OF THE WALL WITH YOUR BRAINS!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I just stood there quietly and stood my ground. The tears that were once in my eyes disappeared; I no longer felt sorry for myself. I no longer wanted to live in fear, and surprisingly... I no longer felt fear. "I'm not afraid of you Henry." I said in a calm and steady voice. His eyes widened, and this time I saw fear in his eyes. He was afraid, because he knew he no longer had control over me. "Shut up! TELL ME WHO THE FUCK HE IS, DANNY!!" He yelled as he ran a hand through his short hair. Something blurry ran into the ally, and suddenly Johnny was there. He disarmed Henry in the blink of an eye; now he was really scared. 'Thank god for vampire speed.' I thought with a slight smirk on my face. "You wanna know who I am, fuckface? I'm a Hollywood vampire." Johnny said before I head a crushing and squelching sort of sound. Henry's body fell to the ground, and a puddle of blood quickly formed around him. Johnny turned around with Henry's still beating heart in his hand. "Holy shit." I said in a shocked, yet grateful tone. "He won't be bothering you anymore, sweetheart. You're safe now." Johnny said. I suddenly realized that his white shirt was practically soaked in that dickbag's blood. I thanked him, but suggested that he drop the heart and take his bloody shirt off. If anyone saw him like that they would have called the police quicker than Flash Gordon. He took his shirt off, and I blushed at the sight of his bare torso. He looked pretty damn good for his age, and I mean damn good. "Seems like a waste of blood to just leave him there, but I doubt if he tasted good anyway." Johnny said once we were headed back home. By the time we got home everyone was either already sleeping or they were just hanging out in their rooms. Johnny threw his shirt away and I followed him to his room where he put on an identical shirt, but he didn't button it up. "Thanks again for... killing him for me." I said, which is something I never thought I'd say in my entire life. He smirked slightly as he placed his hands on the door that was behind me. I basically trapped between the bedroom door and him, but I wasn't complaining about it. "Would you kill, kill, kill for me?" He said in a sign song voice. It was a reference to Manson's song called Kill4Me, and I couldn't help but smile and laugh. "Of course I would, especially since you killed for me." I replied, which made him smile. We stood there just looking into each other's eyes in comfortable silence. 'His lips look so soft.' I said inside of my head after a couple of minutes. 'Just do it!! Just kiss him!!' My subconscious yelled at me. It took me a few seconds to work up the courage to actually make a move. I placed my hands on his smooth chest and stood up on my tiptoes before I leaned in to kiss him. His lips felt softer than I expected them to be, and my eyelids fluttered shut. He kissed back and butterflies stirred in my stomach. He gently placed on of his hands on the side of my face to deepen the kiss, which caused a warm feeling to spread through my body; that warm feeling soaked straight through to my bones. He slowly broke the kiss, and I instantly missed him. It felt like I just couldn't get enough of him. I opened my eyes and we made brief eye contact before he captured my lips with his again. The way he made me feel was intoxicating. That was the moment I realized I was an addict... and my drug was him.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! I love this chapter so much!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

InsufferableKnowItAl because you need to listen to/watch the video above. XD

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