Chapter Thirteen

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We leave the library behind and head toward the Council's Earth. Silvia has coached me into using my shadows to render the book invisible. I'm doing my best to make my hand position look natural as we walk through the forest, even though I'm holding an invisible book. Silvia is talking about a series of tests I'll be going through. She says that tonight (changing into a werewolf) was the first test.

"Although, Bronzes aren't supposed to be able to fully become a wolf during their first full moon. It's a Jaadoogar bonus to be able to do so."

"What is a Bronze?" I ask, recognizing the term from last night.

"It's a newly bitten werewolf. When you finish your training, you will become a Silver."

Ok. That makes a lot more sense.

When we reach the seeing tree, other Bronzes are there, heading home and talking about their night. I wait in line, completely silent.

A group of four boys are talking deliberately loudly near me.

"I hear that sometimes, especially with girls, Bronzes sometimes go into shock after their first Change", the smallest one says. He's about my height, maybe a little smaller, and has blond hair and brown eyes. I turn my back to them and ignore them.

"Yeah, their bodies and minds can't handle the Change, and it causes the girl to stop talking and withdraw into themselves. They ignore the rest of the Bronzes because the Bronzes serve as reminders of what happened", a second one is saying. I don't know which one is saying this because my back is still turned, but I think it's the bigger one with brown hair.

A third one walks up to me and whispers into my ear. "I hear the ones who slip into shock always fail. They kill themselves before the week is done. And if they don't- well- they're never seen again." This one backs away, but the fourth one is already at my other ear. "Are you going to fail, sweetheart?" He asks in a threatening whisper. His voice sounds like death, and I shiver.

By now, it is my turn to step up the the Seeing Tree. As the whirlwind starts to pull me home, a memory of a voice whispers in the back of my mind. "There are people here who would want to use us as weapons." Why would Silvia say us instead of you? And if she was a Jaadoogar, then why hadn't she told me?

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