Chapter Seven

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The wolf circles me, growling slightly. I turn to face it, not letting it leave my sight. I hear another howl sound through the night. And then I make a mistake. A big mistake. I turn toward the sound.

The wolf leaps, knocking me to the ground. I scramble backwards and roll to my feet, adrenaline taking over. I run, but the wolf knocks me to the ground again. I scramble backwards and somehow make it to my feet. Then I sprint back towards my house. Thorns tear at my hair and clothes, leaving behind scratches an my skin. I barely notice the pain. I have too much adrenaline in my system. I'm glad it's summer. I always find it hard to breathe in the cold winter air.

I risk a look behind me. That's a mistake. The wolf is less than five feet away from me. It puts on a burst of speed that I can't hope to match. Suddenly it's on me. It's huge jaws fasten around my right side. It bites down. Then it looks me in the eyes until the pain reaches me.

I scream, the sound spiraling upwards toward the moon. The pain is too intense. I can't bear it. My vision is fading. I can't see the wolf. Is it going to kill me? My thoughts come in broken fragments. The pain is fading. Am I dying? Is this what death feels like?

The pain comes back all of a sudden. I scream again. And suddenly I realize something. I'm not breathing. I try to take a breath. And I. Can't. Breath. My vision fades. As I lose consciousness my vision fades, and I fall into a world of black and gray.

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