Chapter One

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I'm running through the woods, dodging green-covered trees, branches whipping at my face. I'm running from something, and that something isn't stopping. I sprint, faster and faster, desperate for breath, desperate to get away from the thing chasing me. I consider hiding, but I know that it will find me.

I sense my chaser's hot breath on my neck. It seems to cling to me like dew to a leaf. I sprint faster and faster, but I know that it's useless. The thing that is chasing me is too fast and I'm too tired - I'm out of breath and my dark hair is slipping out of my ponytail, escaping in wisps like clouds.

I know that the thing chasing me has almost caught me. I put on a last burst of speed, but I'm no match for my chaser. I sense it leap up and over me, and than a large wolf stands in front of me, the wildness of the hunt in its eyes. Then it speaks.

"Lyra Hunn", it says," I am Silvia Gray of the Gleaming Moon and Hunt, and you are my chosen one".

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. The sound of my alarm cuts through my dream like a knife.

As I'm getting ready for camp, I wonder about my dream. Somehow, it seemed like more than a dream. Somehow, it seemed like a warning.

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