Chapter Three

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After a tiring morning of teaching kids how to swim, I begin an even more tiring afternoon of helping out on the horse farm by my house. In return for helping out at the farm, the owners give me private riding lessons.

I'm busy mucking out Marlon's stall while I think about my dream. It was different than my other dreams. Now that I think about it, I realize that it seems more dreamlike and less real than my other dreams, and I should have been able to realize I was dreaming at the time. But I wasn't. It seemed so real yet so fake, like a dream seems after you wake up, but it seemed that way while I was dreaming.

I finish mucking out Marlon's stall and head to Arrow's, which I finish in record time. After that I head out to get the feed, hay, and water for the horses' dinners. On the way to the barn, I'm stopped by my employer, Mrs. Green. She looks odd, and I'm about to ask her what is wrong when she speaks to me. Her voice doesn't sound anything like her voice, though. It sounds like a different woman's voice. It sounds familiar.

"The full Moon is tonight, Lyra Hunn", she says,"Be ready for the Guardians."

Mrs. Green seems to blink and go back to normal, seemingly without any memory of what just happened. I don't want to scare her, so I don't bother to ask her what just happened.

"Lyra!", she says," How was camp?"

"Great, Mrs. Green!" I respond.

"Good. I just wanted to remind you that Thunder needs his special food mix."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for reminding me, Mrs. Green."

I continue heading over to the barn, and suddenly I realize where I've heard that voice (the one that seemed to come from Mrs. Green) before. It was the same voice that I heard in my dream when the wolf announced that I was her chosen one!

I finish my chores on the farm by 5:30, leaving me thirty minutes to get ready for my lesson. I'm already in the right clothes so I head over to Marlon's stall and ready him for my lesson. I brush him down, put his saddle blanket and saddle on, and tighten his girth strap. Then I put on his bridle. Marlon used to hate his bit, but now he's ok with it.

When I'm finished, I lead Marlon out into the riding rink.

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