Chapter Ten

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When I get home from my riding lesson that night, my brother and sister are chasing each other around outside. I say hi to them as I go inside to change and shower.

After dinner that night, I get ready for bed. I leave my window open in case Silvia needs to talk to me in the middle of the night. Then I start reading my book. I am so absorbed in my book that I don't realize the full moon slowly rising. I don't notice its light slowly filling my room. I don't notice it slowly becoming visible through my open window.

I only look up when a jolt of random pain runs through me. "That's weird", I think. That's when I notice the full moon. Another jolt of pain runs through me. A few seconds later, it is followed by a third. A fourth comes, then a fifth, a sixth, and a seventh. Then the eighth comes. Compared to this one, the others were nothing. I have to bite down on my tongue to keep from calling out. I taste blood in my mouth. I realize that my teeth have punctured my tongue. I'm so confused that I almost don't realize the worsening pain shooting throughout my whole body. Almost. The jolts of pain are coming so frequently now that there is
almost no break in between them, and the pain is becoming extremely intense. I fall to my knees in front of my floor length mirror. The mirror shows my skin rippling, melting, shifting and changing. I finally understand. I am going to turn into a wolf tonight. I am going to become a hunter.

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