Daddy's Girl

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(Taylor pov)

I laughed as my dad went on and on about his co-workers and how happy he is to be retiring. "Daddy don't do those folks like that." I said as I got into my car. "Why not? Those little bitches pissed me off every day. I'm so happy I won't have to see these niggas again." He said before bursting into laughter.

I pressed the button to start my car and his laughter transferred from my phone speaker to the car speakers. I sat my phone down and backed out."Daddy I have to call Dave and see what he wants for dinner, I'll call you right back." I said waiting to hear his answer. "Why? If that man in hungry he can figure something out." My dad said.

My dad and Dave have a love-hate relationship. But that's really only because every time my dad starts liking him, he gets mad at Dave for doing some dumb shit. Then, when Dave starts liking my dad, my dad still holds a grudge from something Dave has done and decides to be petty.

"Daddy.." I say shaking my head. "All of the men in this world, hell even women, yet you're still with this bum. Whew chile, I tell ya', you're generation is a different breed." He said. "Dad, at least we have a say in who we marry." I said chuckling.

"Oh no, what we won't do is play me like that. They did that way before my time. Hell before my mama time. Your big headed ass know I aint that old." He said laughing. "I love you daddy." I said grinning from ear to ear. "I love you too princess. But if Dave don't tighten the hell up, you need to leave him alone. We raised you better than this, you know your worth, don't forget that shit. I'd hate to come up there and have to kill that boy." My dad said.

I do believe that him, coming from the military has really made him nonchalant about killing people. He hasn't killed anyone since he left the military but damn sometimes he makes me wonder."Dad stop. We love each other, we're just, both crazy." I confessed. "Well get someone who isn't so it balances out. But you do ypu baby. Call me later." He said yawning.

"I will dad, I love you." I said. "I love you too princess." I smiled as he hung up. I love my dad more than life itself. No cap, I'm a daddys girl. That was determined 22 years ago, when I was born. I called Dave's phone but it went to voice mail. I called again and then it went straight to voicemail.

I called two more times and both times it went straight to voice mail. I was tempted to call Brock because he's alway next to Dave but instead I drove home. Dave's car was here and so was Brock, Nipsey, and Bully. I parked and took off my heels. I placed them in the backseat for tomorrow when I go to work.

I got out and walked to the front door. It was locked, which is weird cause these niggas never lock the door. I unlocked it and walked in seeing all the boys fucking random hoes on my couches. Once Nipsey looked up his eyes widened. He moved the girl head from his lap and put him pants on. "Taylor wait!" He said nearly jumping over the couch.

I put my hand up to his face and began walking upstairs. Nipsey grabbed me and placed me back downstairs. "Nigga get your nasty ass hands off me before I slap your silly ass. Where is Dave?" I questioned. "He went out." Nipsey said. "You lying like fuck. Why his car outside then?" I asked just so I could hear his bullshit ass lies. By now Bully and Brock was surrounding me.

"He was fucked up, so he took a uber." Brock said. "All of yall are lying bitches, I'll be back to beat all of your asses." I said marching upstairs. "DAVE!" Bully yelled trying to hold my arm. I slapped him and brust into my room seeing Dave and his baby mama fucking in our bed. Dave got up and ran over to me while that hoe just stayed in the bed looking at me like I was crazy.

"Really David? Really?!" I yelled at him. "Taylor, Listen." Before he could finish his sentence I slapped the taste out of his mouth. Nipsey, Brock and Bully pushed me against the wall and held me there. "Taylor stop. Cause you hit me, I'm punching yo ass like a nigga I don't like." Nipsey said.

"You got some fucking nerve David you know that?" I yelled. "Taylor just listen ok." He pleaded. "You know what no. No!" I wiggled free and walked into my closet. I grabbed my suit cases and began throwing my clothes in them. When one got full, I went to another one.

I heard the boys and Daves babymama arguing. "Baby." Dave said coming up behind me. I pushed him into my vanity. "Don't touch me nigga. You better be happy as hell that I'm letting your ass live." I said grabbing some underwear. "Chill with that shit, you ain't gone do anything." Nipsey said.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL HERE?! GET OUT!" I said noticing my voice transfer to a completely different tone. I sounded demonic. I reached in my top drawer and grabbed my gun. "You wanna fucking bet?!" I said pointing it at Dave.

"TAYLOR CHILL!" Dave yelled. "Dave?" We all looked at the doorway and saw his baby mama standing there. She had a belly, a couple of months worth of belly. I looked at Dave who hung his head. "Why are you still here? We told your dumbass to leave." Bully said. "I was just asking if you were coming to the next appointment?" She asked.

Dave nodded and she walked out. I couldn't stop myself from beginning to laugh. I put my gun down as I cackled loudly. I sat down on the ottoman, as my stomach ached from laughing so hard."What's funny?" Brock asked. "You really played yourself. You got her pregnant again? Damn nigga you really are stupid." I said as I hunched over laughing.

"Whew chile, the stupidity." I said wiping a tear. "Thanks, I needed a good laugh." I said chuckling. "So you're staying?" Dave asked. I looked at him like the stupid nigga he was.

"Who said that?" I asked. "I just thought we were gonna laugh this off." He said. I stood up and closed my suit case. "Now I didn't say that. No I'm not staying dumbass. Why? So I can look stupid and take care of your kids? Cause everyone knows, she's just gonna give birth and dump it on you like she did Kairi, then months later act like you damn near kidnapped the kid. Nah sis, you got that. That's all you. Literally."

"Taylor we can work this out." He said grabbing my arm. "Nooooo. No. I'll be back for the rest of my things tomorrow. Bye whores. And Nipsey, I'm snitching."


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