The Right One(Part 5)

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(Whitney pov)
I laid down repeatedly kissing Michael. I just had my third orgasm and I was beyond sensitive. My back arched off of the bed as he slid back in. "Oh my God." I said attaching my hands to his back again.

He began thrusting into me. Each thrust quickly ended my breath. Feeling his lips on my neck only made my core tingle even more. I wrapped my legs around him and began meeting his thrusts. "Michael, baby, go faster." I asked. I was one nut away from loosing my mind and I wanted it to hurry. He held down my hips and began pounding me.

I gripped onto the covers. I looked down watching the art that we were making. "I love you so much Michael." I said as my eyes rolled back. "You already know I love you. I always have." He said rolling his hips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as I came again. But he didn't stop.

"Michael!" I screeched. My body began to convulse as my toes curled. "Oh fuck!" He grunted as he bit into my neck. After a couple more thrusts he stood still. His body shook a little before we untangled ourselves. He rolled off and pulled me onto his chest.

"No matter what, remember I love you. I always will." He said before kissing me.

(5 months later)

My sister Diane placed another pillow behind my back. "Girl, your back be hurting like a pregnant woman." She said laughing as she sat down. Her three kids ran pass us but not before giving their auntie a kiss. "How have you been?" I asked sipping my water.

"Whitney are you pregnant?" She asked scooting closer. I nodded slowly and watched as she quietly began freaking out. "See mama said you'd eventually love that man." I sipped my water again and laid back in her rocking chair. "Oh Lord it is his baby isn't it?" She asked.

I rubbed my growing stomach watching my nieces play in the yard. "Whitney!" I sighed. "I know. I know." I said. "Mama is gonna kill you, if chad doesn't first." I shook my head. As my eyes clouded with tears, "Whitney..." I instantly broke down. I knew I was probably making the ugliest faces but I didn't care.

"He already tried. I can't go back. He said if I do, I'll be like his ex-wife. Diane, I can't. I can't." Diane got up and hugged me tightly. "It's going to be ok Whitney." I shook my head. "No I'm not. He's gone. He's back in New York and here I am alone, probably with a price on my head. I have no money, no place to live. I can't take care of a baby!" I cried.

(Later that Night)

I laid in my old bed. Diane left it decorated the way I left it when I moved out. We told mama and daddy, they both were disappointed but daddy was happy for me. Mama on the other hand won't look of talk to me.

I took off the baggy sweater that hid my stomach and looked in the mirror. I rubbed my baby feeling her move around. You could see my bump easily through my dress. I wanted something else though. I was tired of my dress. I walked into my brother's old room and found his overalls.

I easily slipped into them. I grabbed some gardening gloves and went out front helping Diane with her fruits. Mama was on the porch with her small group of friends. "Excuse me." I said walking by. "Um, young ma'am. Where is your dress?" Miss.Haddy asked. I turned around and smiled politely. "The same place you should be, gone." I said then proceeded down the stairs.

After a while I reached on the porch and got the watering pale. "Look at her, just parading her stomach around, like she wants people go know she's pregnant." "Whew child, Diane and them boys turned out so wonderful, what the hell happened with this last one?" I heard my mother's friends talking about me.

I turned towards them and poured the water on every one of them. They all got up screaming. "Maybe you all should take a hint and grow up. Real grown women worry about their own business. I guess that part of life skipped you all." I said shaking my head and going in the house.

My dad watched and chuckled, "Ladies it's getting late. I believe its time to give that gossiping a rest. I believe there's something in the bible about how gossiping is wrong. Am I right sister Joseph?" My dad asked.

(The next morning)

I walked into the living room seeing Chad, his kids and my parents."There she is. Come on baby, lets go home." He said smiling like everything was ok. Before I could say anything, I ran out of the door. I had no shoes on, still had on my overalls from last night but I had to go.

After a while, I made it to the train station. I looked around seeing a large sign that said New York. I ran into the city mayor. "Mrs.Chad,how are you? Is everything ok? Can I help you with anything?" I nodded frantically. "Can you buy me a ticket to New York? I need to go, it's an emergency." He nodded and lead me to a ticket booth.

"One ticket to New York for the lady." Mr.Tellman said sliding the man the money. I finally caught my breath. "You ever been to New York?" Mr.Tellman asked me. I shook my head. "Well we're gonna havs to get you someone to show you around."I smiled at him. "One ticket to New York." Mr. Tellman looked over, "Oh! He can show you around." He exclaimed. I looked behind him and saw Michael.

"I'll show her." He said grabbing my ticket and his. He lead me onto the train and made sure I was comfortable before sitting beside me. "So, New York huh?" He asked. I nodded, "I just want to start over with my baby." I said looking at him. He looked down and rubbed my stomach. She instantly began moving around. "A mini me?" He asked. I nodded, "I was thinking about naming her Miracle Love Jordan. What do you think?" I asked him. He showed off that one in a million smile.

"I love it. I love you." He said looking in my eyes. "I love you too." I said before hugging him. "Where are you two love birds headed?" The ticket man asked. Michael held my hand and gave him our tickets. "My family and I are going home to New York, I finally finished up our house and I came back for my wife and our baby." He said. The man smiled and gave our tickets back.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Jordan. I love New York myself. Trust me Mrs. Jordan, You'll love it too." I smiled, "I hope so... Chadwick." I said reading his name tag. "We'll meet up for lunch, I live up in Brooklyn." Chadwick said. "Well nice to meet you Neighbor." Michael said. We all laughed before Chadwick walked off.

"I'm happy you made this choice." Michael said kissing me. "Finally made the right one huh?" I asked. "Finally!" He said making us both laugh.

The end

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