part 7

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I have chance to kill her now but for some reason i can't. My hands start to shake and i just can't. I put back my knife and i still shake. "Martinus are you okay" she ask. "Yes i am okay" i say. We dance like this some minute but then teacher again come. "okay now you can go" she say and Linnea can see again. "in some minute school bell will ring so you don't need go back to class" teacher say. We go out and Linnea fast go but her bracelet fall down. "Linnea wait" i yell and she turn around. "What" she say and i give her back. "Thanks" she say.
Linnea P.O.V
After we are done now when i can see him i am again scared of him. I don't why i feel safe when i can't see him but scared when i can. I come home and i say everything to mom and she look happy. "why are you happy" i say. "no i just.." "mom i know his mom and you are best friends but.." "look yes we are but everybody in this two family is okay just you and Martinus are not" mom say. "Now go up later we will have guests" "okay" then i go up.
Who will be guests ?

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