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I laid my head on mommas lap, watching a movie with her, she looked down at me, petting my head "you're so cute baby boy" i smiled and blushed, "no iam not momma" she started petting me from the top of my head down yo my lower back, "yes you are baby, very cute" I was feeling batty so I pulled away from her hand, i smirked at her, she stared at me, the kind of look i like to call the mommy look in her eyes. "Why did you pull away?" I smirked again, "because i can momma" she grabbed onto my neck squeezing a little bit, I completely melted into a puddle of fox goop "mmmmmrow..." I said my head leaning into her hand, completely sub at this point. "Are you going to listen to mommy?" She said in her deep mommy voice, "y-yes momma" i said limply, she letting go my neck, and continuing to pet me again, I laid my head back on her lap, only looking up to lick her lips for a kiss, I loved when momma choked me, it both turned me on, and made me fall to her will. But of course momma doesn't know i do.

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