come here pup

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I sat there staring at her body again the next morning, I loved her every curve, her smile, her lips, god her lips, I got up and licked her lips wanting a good morning kiss, she smiled brightly,  and kissed me deeply, I kissed back and smirked as she began to nip my lip, finally bitting it. I felt myself melt, I brought my head back "mmmmrow"  thst sound slip from my mouth as she pulled back, I whimpered softy wanting her to do it again. "No pet" she said deepening her tone a little, I whimpered again this time louder "mmm please master?" I said a little bit more sad this time, she couldn't help but smile at me, "fine pet she said patting her lap for me to sit on (iam shorter than she is) I got on her lap, and licked her lips again, she pulled me in close and kissed me hard, I kissed back, god i really loved her so much, I sat back on her lap, and nuzzled into her, " how's my little cutie doing  today?" She said calmly and sweet. "Good i said, but I always am around you" she smiled at me and petted me softy, I tilted me head back again, closing my eyes.

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