2 - The Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

Odin, the Allfather, inquires about their experience so far, and Astraea takes a moment to choose her words carefully.

"It has indeed been good, Odin. I thank you for everything," she replies, smiling at the elder man.

Odin, pleased with her response, suggests that it's time to discuss wedding dates. Astraea, however, is taken aback by this sudden turn of conversation and swallows nervously. She glances around the room, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her.

Thor, sensing her unease, reaches forward and places his hand over hers in reassurance. "Father, can we discuss th-" he begins, attempting to buy her some time.

Odin, however, is adamant about moving forward with the wedding plans. "Nonsense, boy. You two are getting on very well, I say it's time we discuss wedding dates," he responds, his tone firm and unyielding.

an unexpected turn as they discuss wedding plans and the impending departure of her parents. The Titan god, Astraea's father, announces that it's nearly time for him and Eos, Astraea's mother, to return home.

Astraea, taken aback by this revelation, asks in disbelief, "You're leaving me?"

Eos, torn between her duty as a mother and her loyalty to her husband, bites her tongue. She knows that speaking out against her husband is not an option, but seeing the pain in her daughter's eyes breaks her heart a million times over. "Astraea, sweetie," she says, trying to console her, "you are to be married; it is time for you to grow up and be on your own."

Astraea glances at everyone at the table before responding. "You're right, I can't argue that."

Eos and her husband exchange a look, and then Astraeus speaks, "I knew you would understand, daughter." The weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air as the family comes to terms with the changes that lie ahead.

Astraea, attempting to move the conversation forward, agrees to discuss the wedding. "Right, well, on to more pressing matters then, the wedding," she says, trying to maintain a sense of composure.

Odin, relieved by her acceptance, proposes that the wedding take place in four months. Just as the idea is settling in, a new voice echoes through the room, "A wedding, and I'm not invited?"

All eyes turn to the doorway where a slender man with jet black hair stands, hands held behind his back, eyes scanning the room. The man is none other than Loki, the God of Mischief, who has seemingly escaped his imprisonment in Vanaheim.

Astraea can feel the tension in the air as she notices the terrified expressions on the faces of everyone present. She realizes that Loki's presence has caused fear and uncertainty to ripple through the room.

Odin, trying to maintain control of the situation, addresses Loki, "Loki, what are you doing here? If I recall, you were settled nicely in Vanaheim." He steps away from the table and approaches Loki, his voice firm and steady despite the tension that fills the room.

"I brought him here."

with the arrival of the Queen of Asgard, Frigga. Astraea, still adjusting to her new life in this realm, had spent her free time studying all things Asgard in the library.

Frigga, the wife of Odin and the mother of Thor, Balder, and Loki, stands before them, explaining her reasons for bringing Loki to the great dining room. "He's our son, and he has the right to be here for his brother's wedding," she says, her eyes shining in the golden lights of the room.

Odin, conflicted by his son's presence, ultimately agrees to let him stay. "Of course, join us," he says, attempting to maintain a sense of composure.

Loki, the God of Mischief, seems to delight in his father's discomfort and pushes the boundaries further, saying, "What, no hurtful words? I would have thought that after not seeing each other in nearly a year, Father, you would have more to say."

The tension in the room is palpable as the family grapples with the unexpected reunion and the wedding plans that lie ahead.

Frigga places her hand on Loki's shoulder. "Loki."

Eos, Astraea's mother, rises to her feet, her voice loud and commanding as she tries to restore order. "Please, come, let us eat. This is no time for disagreeing," she says, attempting to bring the focus back to the wedding and the meal.

Loki raised his eyebrows, something impolite was about to escape his lips when his eyes caught of her, Astraea. Loki took the time to just observe her, let his eyes wander on her body maybe far to long.  letting his eyes wander over her body in a way that is both curious and unsettling.

Thor, sensing the uncomfortable shift in the room, stands and politely invites Loki to join them at the table. "Brother, please, eat with us."

Loki, however, is not one to be swayed by his brother's kindness. "It speaks," he replies scornfully, "Thank you, brother, but I'd rather not. I shall seek my time elsewhere." With that, he turns on the ball of his heel and makes a swift exit, leaving the room in stunned silence.

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