29 - Rainestrom

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In the soft glow of the morning light, Loki watched Astraea sleep, her face serene in repose. He adored this sight, adored her, with an intensity that startled even him. Despite the tumultuous waves of resentment that often surged between them, a tender thread of affection still wove through his chaotic heart. He found himself contemplating amends, a concept as foreign to him as peace, yet one he was bizarrely drawn to pursue for her.

Loki's mind wandered to the peculiar event of the previous night. He had transcended the physical realms, his consciousness traversing space and time to be beside Astraea, formless yet present. It was a power he had never wielded before, emerging from a bond deeper than any magic he had known. The cells from his father, which had always constrained his abilities, seemed powerless against this new, shared force with Astraea. This realization stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him.

The soul-bound connection was intoxicating, terrifying in its potential. It wasn't just the sheer power that unnerved Loki but what this connection could compel him to do. For the first time, power did not solely entice him; it brought a flicker of fear. Could he, Loki, the weaver of mischief and deceit, truly harness this for good, for her? Or would this newfound strength corrupt him further, driving a wedge deeper between them?

Conflicted, Loki's thoughts oscillated between the allure of absolute power and the desire to be something more, something better, at least in Astraea's eyes. He pondered if redemption was possible for someone like him, if love could be a shield or a shackle against his darker impulses. As he watched her, a silent vow formed in his heart—a vow to try, for her, to navigate this uncharted territory of power and emotion with some semblance of goodness.

The loud sound of boots and clanks of metal rang down the small halls in the jail. Loki knew the pad of those steps; the proud and chest held high as knees come up and stomp back down like nothing can touch his Thorne steps, the steps of his father, Odin—shivers ran down his spine as his father came around the corner, a snarl on his face.

"Loki!" His voice echoed off the walls, and Astraea woke from her slumber. Astraea had hoped and prayed for Odin to come visit—to finally let her out of this prison cell—but she hadn't expected him to be so angry when he came. "Where is the DragonGlass!"

"I hadn't any knowledge of that." Loki spoke proudly, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Don't play with me, boy, where did you hide it?" Odin, clearly not playing into his mind games, demanded. Odin then glanced to Astraea, a gleam in his eye that made her stomach churn. "Open her cell."

Loki panicked, taking long strides to the edge of his cell. Astraea stumbled backward as the beam of light faded and three guards strolled inside before Odin himself did. The young girl swallowed the lump in her throat.

"My apologies that I have kept you waiting so long for a meeting, Lady Astraea, but I can assume you understand?" Odin spoke calmly.

The air turned oppressive, wrapping around Astraea like a shroud, her world tilting as she barely managed a nod.

"Father, I—" Loki started, but Odin's voice cut through like a blade.

"Do not speak, boy, I am not talking to you," Odin growled, his gaze shifting to Loki with a fiery intensity.

Loki, undeterred, smirked, his eyes alight with a rebellious spark. "Oh, but now I'm talking to you" he taunted, his tone laced with venom.

Odin's eye twitched, his glare sharpening. "Take her."

"What— no!" Astraea gasped, retreating to the farthest corner of the cell, her efforts futile in the confined space.

Loki's heart raced with a mix of defiance and a protective surge for Astraea, even as he played his dangerous game with Odin. "Always so quick to dismiss, father? Yet here we are, discussing your secrets." His words were a weapon, sharp and pointed, designed to irk the Allfather.

"Where are you taking me?" Guards step forward reaching for her arms.

"Fear not, Lady Astraea, you shall come to no harm," Odin promised, his voice meant to soothe, yet it did nothing to quell the tempest within her. As the guards ushered the young girl from her cell towards the daunting door, a shiver of unease snaked through her. Loki, ever watchful, trailed along the wall of his confinement, his gaze locked on hers with an intensity that spoke volumes. Astraea's heart fluttered with apprehension, a storm of blue-gray emotions swirling within, threatening to engulf her in a deluge of doubt. Her eyes, wide and blue, met Loki's one last time as she was led around the corner, disappearing from view, the weight of her fate heavy on her shoulders.

Pure as WhiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora