18 - Falling

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"Do you have any idea what you've done!" Loki exclaimed, pacing the floors, still a little high from the experience. His mind wasn't thinking clearly at all; still swirling and euphoric.

"Congratulations. You got what you wanted, you're king. Odin cannot fight the soul bond; he is now forced to make you king." Astraea sat idly on the window seat staring at her hands. Had she just made a grave mistake? Possibly. She didn't know what was to come next; she acted on a moment.

Regret. Regret started to fill its way up and into her stomach with its uneasy tingle. There was no taking this action back now; even if Loki didn't wish it, she was now eternally his.

"I did not want a wife." Loki snapped, harsh and rude.

Silent. Astraea sat silent, she didn't know what to say. She, herself didn't truthfully know what she was thinking when she had acted on such a choice.

"Don't speak a word of this to anyone, let me fix this." Was the last words Loki spoke to the young girl before leaving her bed chambers. She didn't know how or what he was going to try and do. Astraea for the first time since her arrival, since her mother's death, she felt one hundred percent defeated. She was truthfully defeated. Tears slid off her cheeks like water on glass. What had she done?

"Stupid. I'm so stupid!" She wept into her hands. "It can't be undone. I made a grave mistake."

        Loki paced. Loki sat. Loki read books. Loki studied the ancient ways of Titan. But still, no answers.  What had she done? Can this really not be undone? Questions and more questions seemed to fill his head, and he didn't like where this was heading. His mind was growing more and more foggy as the days passed with his searching for answers. He could feel the change deep inside his soul, and with that feeling came an even stronger pull towards Astraea. He couldn't quite figure out what was happening.

"Ahh!" Loki shouted, slinging the books on his nightstand across the room. His breathing was heavy. All the books he had read were filled with the same nonsense. It cannot be undone. Her life force was now intertwined with his. He could feel her. That scared him. The feeling that came with it was so unlike anything Loki had felt in his whole life, and truthfully, he didn't know how to describe it. A small tingle constant right in the center of his heart. It was her. That tingle, yet so pure and light, was like a sharp dagger in his heart. He hated it.


A wave of relief, anticipation, and raw desire flooded through him at the sound of her voice, a whisper that seemed to caress his very soul. He turned his head, catching sight of her framed in the doorway of his bedchamber. She stood there, a vision of nocturnal allure, her hair tumbling free over her shoulders like a cascade of midnight silk. Her nightgown clung softly to her form, hinting at the curves beneath.

What hour was it? Loki's mind barely registered the question. Time had lost all meaning since he last saw daylight, but now, with her presence, the darkness felt alive with possibilities.

Astraea's heart ached with an intensity that had grown unbearable over the days of Loki's seclusion. Each moment spent alone in her thoughts had been consumed by him, weaving through her mind in fantasies both tender and wildly intimate. Her soul seemed to pulse with a new, raw energy, a change she sensed was mirrored in Loki. Driven by this magnetic pull, she found herself outside his door late at night, clad only in her silk nightgown, its fabric whispering against her skin as she stepped into his dimly lit room.

"Did you find anything?" she asked, her voice a delicate thread in the quiet.

Loki turned, his smirk a flicker of shadow across his face. "I did not," he replied, his tone velvet-soft, wrapping around her like a caress.

She wondered if this gentleness was just his nature, or if their intertwined souls had woven this new, unspoken connection between them. The thought that he might be harboring similar desires set her pulse racing.

As he approached, standing mere inches away, his gaze traveled over her with a hunger that was both unsettling and exhilarating. Her cheeks flushed a deeper pink under his scrutiny, her fingers nervously toying with the lace of her gown. Loki's eyes caught this small, telling gesture, and his smile grew, laced with a knowing that sent a shiver down her spine.

The air between them crackled with an electric tension, an invisible force drawing them closer, their shared breaths a silent confession of the desire that simmered beneath the surface.

He swore his brain was playing tricks on him or he was simply losing his mind, but the urge to kiss the girl before him had now become overwhelming. Her eyes were gleaming with every hue of the dancing sky, illuminated by the small candle Loki had lit by his door. He took a step closer, then another, until he was mere inches from her.

Astraea sucked in a breath, her hands coming up to rest against his chest.


The chill of his skin seeped through the fabric, sending a shiver through her that only intensified the heat within. Her eyes, pools of blue fire, seemed to stoke the flames of his own inner turmoil. With a hesitance, but without a thought to it, Loki's hands found her face, cradling it like something precious. His lips met hers in a kiss so light it was almost a breath, a tentative exploration that asked and promised all at once.

He pulled back just slightly, their foreheads touching, breath mingling, lips a hairsbreadth apart. The air between them was electric, charged with a palpable desire that begged to be answered, their hearts pounding a duet of longing and restraint.

The air was thick with unspoken words. Loki stood close to Astraea, the distance between them charged with an electric tension. His usual mask of indifference was slipping, revealing a turmoil beneath.

"Why do you challenge me at every turn?" Loki's voice was a mix of frustration and something softer, something he was not accustomed to feeling.

Astraea's eyes, usually sharp with defiance, softened as she looked up at him. "Because you're worth challenging, Loki. You're not just the mischief, not just the shadow of Thor. You're... more."

The admission hung between them, a fragile thread of honesty. Loki's heart, a fortress he had built high walls around, felt an unexpected warmth, a flicker of something akin to hope.

"And what if I am more?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze searching hers for any sign of mockery. "What then?"

"Then," Astraea whispers, her hand reaching out to touch his, a gesture so gentle it could have been a whisper of wind, "you wouldn't need to hide behind your tricks and schemes."

Loki's hand twitched under hers, a reflex to pull away, to retreat into his familiar solitude. But he didn't. Instead, he felt his fingers curl slightly around hers, a silent acceptance of her touch.

"I am not made for sweetness, Astraea," he warned, his voice a low rumble, a last defense against the vulnerability she was coaxing out of him.

Astraea smiled, a tender, knowing smile. "Everyone is made for sweetness, Loki. Even you. Especially you."

With that, she closed the gap, her lips meeting his in a kiss that was both a promise and a revelation, sealing the moment with a sweetness neither had anticipated, yet both desperately needed.

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