A Partnership

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"Don't you dare walk away from me, Loki!"

"Do not test me, love."

"Don't you call me that!" Astraea declares while furiously following the god of mischief. Her plan was not working like she had hoped, and as she watched this man walk away from her, she felt like she was slowly failing her mother.

"Will you stop following me, you ignorant girl?" Loki spat, twisting on his heel and nearly ramming into Astraea.

"No, I shall not. You will sit and you will hear me out!"

"I will not be bothered by your foolish vengeance."

"Foolish?" Astraea took a step back, "Foolish. How is my mother's death foolish, Loki? How is watching her die in my arms foolish? Hearing a man call us petty, watching her grace just flow away with the wind... FOOLISH TO YOU. This... This isn't foolish, I AM not foolish."

Loki stared at her, her eyes holding some type of emotion only he could know. He was indeed fascinated by this young goddess, she was something different from anyone he's ever met.

As the tension built between them, Loki couldn't help but wonder what it was that made Astraea so unique. He had encountered countless beings throughout his life, but none had managed to capture his attention quite like this young goddess.

Perhaps it was her determination, or her unwavering loyalty to her mother's memory. Maybe it was the way she stood up to him, refusing to back down even when he tried to dismiss her. Whatever it was, Loki couldn't deny that he was intrigued.

In that moment, he made a decision. He would help Astraea, not because he cared about her cause, but because he wanted to know more about her. He wanted to understand what it was that made her so different from everyone else he'd ever met.

With a sigh, he relented. "Very well," he said, "I will hear you out. But be warned, I am not easily convinced."

Astraea's face lit up with hope, and for a brief moment, Loki saw a glimpse of the woman she could become. She was strong, determined, and fiercely loyal. In that moment, he realized that he was in the presence of a truly remarkable being, one who could change the course of his own destiny.

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