21 - What Now

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Golden beams of light shine through the dark green curtains lingering Loki's windows. Astraea's eyes flutter open, her hands rubbing her lids ever so softly. She glanced over to Loki and his bare body gleaming in the small streams of light. She couldn't help but think how peaceful he looked, how calm and settled his Storm had become. But, even if his Storm was calm, hers was not.

Beat. . . Beat. . . Beat. . . Stop.

within her own heart, Astraea's Storm roils, unsettled and untamed. She rises from the bed, careful not to disturb Loki's peaceful repose, and retrieves her nightgown from the floor. As she slips it over her head, her heart begins to tingle, and a soft sigh escapes her lips. She knows that giving her soul to Loki has bound them together, forever intertwined, but there is something more. Something that only she can feel, something ominous.

On that fateful night when she had surrendered half of her soul to Loki, her heart had ceased its rhythmic beating. The memory of the pain, the icy chill that had seized her limbs, and the sudden darkness still haunts her. But it hadn't remained dark, for a woman had appeared before her, bald and formidable.

"Where am I?" Astraea whispered, her voice echoing through the ethereal void.

"That is of little consequence, child," the woman replied, her voice resonating with an otherworldly wisdom. "What truly matters is that this was never meant to be."

Astraea was confused. She took a moment looking around her, only to see a sea of never-ending stars. "What wasn't supposed to happen?"

the bald woman's grin widened as she approached, her steps measured and deliberate. "I cannot divulge much, but I must inform you that your actions have stirred quite the commotion. The time will come when you shall discover the truth, and the world will revert to its intended equilibrium. To maintain this balance, it is imperative that you keep your distance from him. Avoid Loki, despite the magnetic allure that may tempt you. This was never meant to transpire."

As swiftly as the enigmatic woman materialized, she vanished, leaving Astraea gasping for air upon the cold stone floor of her chamber. A secret now burrowed deep within her heart, one she vowed to safeguard. Though she had already disregarded the woman's warning, Astraea cast a final glance at Loki, who remained tranquil and motionless. She pondered the consequences of her departure, unsure if it would rouse his suspicions. Yet, she knew she had a pressing matter to attend to, a rendezvous with his brother.

With the ominous warning echoing in her mind, Astraea stole away, her heart heavy with the knowledge that, indeed, it was never meant to happen.

the vast and enthralling library of Asgard held a special place in Astraea's heart. Countless hours had been spent in this magnificent room, surrounded by the endless wisdom and secrets of the universe, all within her grasp. Yet, this cherished sanctuary was also favored by Loki, and the memory of the bald woman's warning haunted her thoughts.

'It wasn't supposed to happen.' The words reverberated in her mind, etching themselves into her very essence like a sharp blade. Who was this mysterious woman, and what did her cryptic message truly mean? Astraea pondered the implications of altering her destiny, and the potential consequences that might ripple through the fabric of reality. The weight of her choices pressed upon her, and she found herself unable to face the library, her thoughts consumed by the dark uncertainty of what she had done.

Astraea clung to Thor's arm as they meandered through the lush and vibrant gardens, their path winding past the library windows. There, she caught a glimpse of Loki, his attention absorbed by the pages of a book. The sight of him ignited a rush of memories, and Astraea felt her body respond in ways she had never experienced before.

A wave of guilt washed over her, as if the warmth between her thighs and the tingling in her gut were evidence of some unspeakable transgression. The recollections of the previous night, of Loki's touch, his tender care, and the indescribable pleasure he had bestowed upon her, now filled her with a sense of shame. As she walked with Thor, oblivious to the secret she now harbored, Astraea couldn't help but question her own virtue. Was she now nothing more than a wanton mistress, a seductress who had ensnared the hearts of two divine brothers?

Thor's voice pierced through Astraea's reverie, his concern evident in his tone. "Astraea, is something amiss? You've been quite different these past few days."

Lie. Lie. Lie.

Astraea struggled to maintain her composure, forcing a smile as she replied, "I'm quite well, thank you. I should return to my chambers; there's a grand ball in our honor tonight."

Without waiting for a response, she hastened away from Thor, her feet carrying her as swiftly as they could towards the sanctuary of her chambers. He was right, of course; her behavior had been peculiar, but how could she reveal the truth of her actions? The young goddess had not only betrayed Thor but also Odin, by giving her soul to Loki and succumbing to the temptation of his touch. The guilt that consumed her was a relentless tide, a chill that coursed through her veins and threatened to drown her in its depths.

Despite the bald woman's warning to keep her distance, Astraea found that she could not. Her very soul, now entwined with Loki's, refused to be denied the connection that had been forged between them. She could feel the pull, the irresistible force that drew her to him, and it was a battle she knew she could not win.

Astraea worried. She worried what was going to happen to her once Odin found out. How he would react, how Thor would react. Would they behead her? Surly not, not if she lied. The thought ate her insides and she felt this new sting, a new burning tingle deep within her soul. Something's changing.

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