23 - Isn't This What You Wanted

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Wasn't this the very thing he craved? The God of Mischief hurled this question relentlessly at his own conscience. Wasn't this precisely what he desired? For her to turn a blind eye to her mother's demise, all to shield him from capture. His initial scheme was simple: frame a guard with planted evidence, a neat resolution. But oh, how the young prince miscalculated! He hadn't anticipated her rewiring his very essence, embedding herself so deeply that she became an obsession, a secret so dark and thrilling it could shatter the walls of Asgard itself. She was his hidden vice, his forbidden treasure, concealed from every prying eye within the realm. The thought of her consumed him, a relentless fire in his veins, twisting his plans and his heart into a chaotic dance of desire and dread.

Foolish. This isn't real, it's some trickery of the soul bond she had casted upon us.

But his thoughts remain tainted. Loki ghosted through the halls, each golden column a bronze blur as he whisked by. Ignoring the looks and evil stares from the help. He needed answers. The prince was like an addict — itching and burning, craving another hit — only his drug of choice was information and who else would know what to do better than his dear old dad.

Clanks and clicks ring the room as Loki pushes open the bronze-colored door into his father's chambers. Odin sat as humble and kind at his desk, Loki repulsed

The grand halls of Asgard echoed with the heavy silence that followed Odin's question, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. "What brings you to my chambers at this ungodly hour, Loki?" Odin's eyes barely lifted from the ancient parchment, his fingers stilling the quill.

Loki, with a smirk that didn't quite reach his eyes, replied, "I thought you'd be thrilled to learn I've uncovered the traitor behind the attack on Asgard. A rogue guard, dealt with, no need for your concern."

Odin's brow furrowed, a storm brewing in his gaze. He set the quill down with deliberate care, leaning back as if to distance himself from the web of deceit he sensed. "Is that all you came to report?"

"Aren't you even slightly curious about how I obtained this information?" Loki's voice was a mix of challenge and feigned indifference.

"No." Odin's response was cold, final.

Loki stood motionless, his face a mask of calm, but inside, turmoil raged. "Very well. Good evening, then." He turned, each step towards the door feeling like a retreat, the voice of his inner self screaming 'coward'.

Just as he reached the threshold, Odin's voice boomed, resonating with authority and a hint of suspicion, "Son, wait. What is it you truly seek to know? My chief of guards could have relayed this news. Why come yourself?"

Loki paused, the word 'son' hanging heavily between them. He had never felt like a true son, always the outsider. "I am delving into a project," he said, his voice steady but his heart racing. "It's delicate, and the specifics are irrelevant. I merely need to ascertain if a soul bond can be undone."

Odin's breath hitched, his eyes narrowing with a mix of concern and suspicion. He leaned forward, his voice low and intense, "Why, Loki, would your research involve such arcane knowledge?"

"Details are not important," Loki retorted, his tone sharp, a shield against the probing gaze of his father, who seemed to see right through him, stirring the unease that had long settled in Odin's heart about his adopted son's true intentions.

Odin's voice boomed with authority as he commanded his son, "Sit down, boy." Loki obeyed, taking a seat across from his father, his curiosity piqued.

"I am not well-versed in the intricacies of soul bonds," Odin began, his voice tinged with concern and suspicion. "They are an ancient practice, a form of marriage that transcends realms and universes. Two deity souls are bound together by each giving half of their soul to the other, thus sharing power and creating a single, united entity. However, both beings must consent; if only one agrees, then only their soul will be split, and if not united before the next full moon, that being will perish."

Loki listened intently as his father explained the gravity of the ritual. "It is a profound immersion with another being. Your life becomes intertwined with theirs, and over time, your powers will fully merge, becoming two halves of a complete whole. You will experience their emotions, their love, and their pain. For some, the intensity of this connection can be overwhelming, driving them to the brink of madness."

Odin paused, his gaze unwavering as he added, "Soul bonds were once practiced in Asgard, but they were eventually exiled due to the immense power and potential for chaos they held."

With a raised eyebrow, Loki inquired, "What do you mean they were exiled?"

Odin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Astraea's father said the only way he would allow his only daughter to marry is if Thor agrees to the soul bond, which he did. On their wedding night they will be one."

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