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"Detective, I heard you caught the killer." Joey said as we walked into his place.

"You fucked up Joey." I said.

"Did I? I was just following orders, I only fucked up by not getting you too." He said with almost a smirk. Janet shot him in the knee, "OUCH, FUCK!!"

"Orders from who?" She asked.

"You know who." He said to me.

"Well one of you is going to jail for murder." I told him and he looked scared. I smirked, "Lucky for you...I actually like you." I said pointing my gun at his face.



I shot him between the eyes and he fell to ground.

JJ looked at me, "Now what?"

I looked down at my phone that was ringing, "I'll handle the next stage. You take care of this here." I instructed.

"Got it."

I walked off but stopped in my tracks. I turned around, "JJ?" I called. She hummed looking at me. I smiled, "Thank you."

She smiled back, "You'd do it for me."

I took off to the next stage of this revenge operation.

I walked into the delivery room and Nadia looked surprised and happy to see me. "Baby! Thank God you're here. Hold my hand." She said reaching out to me.

"Sir, ma'am, the baby is crowning. It's time to push." The doctor said.

"Okay." Nadia said looking up at me.

"Push!" I yelled at her.

She did with all her might, "AHHH!!"

She breathed heavily, "Baby it hurts so bad."

"I hope it gets worse." I said in her ear.




"One more ma'am." The doctor said.


"He's here! Congratulations."

"Thank you." Nadia said before her breathing increased.

"She's hyperventilating, Get the oxygen mask to help her breathing." One of the nurses said as they took the baby to cut the cord. After I held him a bit they went to clean him up leaving us alone.

"He's perfect Nadia. Too bad you won't see him grow up." I said to her. She frowned in confusion with oxygen mask in her face helping her breathe. I pulled the mask off and she started gasping for air grabbing my hand. "It's a struggle huh? That's how I feel right now."

I shook my head at her, "You're such a fucking liar. I have Ricky's phone records and I answered your call to the Mavericks. Shocked me that you were so happy to see me just now." I said letting the mask go making it pop on her face.

From the phone records, Ricky and Nadia talked about more than my birthday. They were sleeping together right under my nose which is why he was at my house when he was murdered.

Ricky knew about Blaze and I which is why he put the baby in the orphanage under my name. That also means Nadia knew about Blaze the whole time.

She called the hit on Blaze and I through the Mavericks. Joey was more than happy to oblige because he hated Blaze for dumping his crazy ass. Plus, he'd to anything to make B suffer.

"So here's how things are gonna go. You are gonna get better, then you're going to jail for murder. Two murders actually...Ricky's and Joey's." I told her.

She pulled the mask back off slightly, "No one will believe you."

I raised a brow, "Honey, you underestimate me. You took someone that I love away from me. You could've divorced me, took half of everything, and left but you killed her and tried to kill me. You're lucky I haven't choked the hell out of your ass yet."

"Poor Kenny. Your mistress dies in a gang related shoot out and you're blaming your wife? Even if I do get time, they were drug dealers and your girlfriend was a whore. I'll get a slap on the wrist. 5-10 years and I'm out."

"Right, but the Mavericks now believe you killed Joey. So they want to kill you. You're right you'll do 5-10 years...IF you make it out of here alive. Your nurse is Joey's cousin. Now she doesn't know he's dead yet, but she will soon." I said sending her a picture of Joey's body. The picture was sent from her phone to B's right hand man.

At least that's the picture we're painting. Now it looks as if she killed Joey as a favor to Cardinal as a favor for killing Blaze.

Of course I put B in protective custody and sent his right hand guy somewhere far away. They're all safe for the wrath of the Mavericks...except Nadia's scheming ass.

"You bastard." She said.

I smiled, "It's been nice knowing you. Don't worry I'll bring Kaden to your funeral. Goodbye Nadia." I said before going to find the nurses that have Kaden.

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