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I walked into the station and Janet approached me, "Kenny. I'm sorry, I was way out of line yesterday and-"

"Don't sweat it. Let's just finish this case."

"Okay. So far we have two main suspects; Joey Goratti and Brian "Byrd" Williams." She said going over the facts.

"What about evidence?" I asked.

"Well we know for a fact that Ricky was playing both sides. We're still waiting for ballistics to tell us about the weapon, but we are now clear to search Ricky's car."

"We're also waiting to get his phone records. I don't know why it's taking so long." Nathan the new guy said. He just transferred here from Houston and I believe he has a crush on Janet.

"That's fine, we can just start with the car." I said. They nodded as we got ready to head over to where the car was being held.

JJ gave me a concerned look, "Kenny, are you sure you're okay? You look stressed."

"Well my sister in law coming over can stress out anyone, but I'm cool."

"Okay, Look I know the shooting happened at night but maybe you can ask a neighbor if they saw something."

"Will do."

"Okay here's the car. JJ maybe I can help you search the trunk." Nathan said.
"Okay." Janet blushed. She glared at me and I was about to say something but..."Don't." She said making me chuckle.

"Okay." I said mocking her tone.

I searched the front seats for anything that looked suspicious. Something caught my eye and my blood started boiling.


I walked into the house and slammed the door. Nadia came downstairs, "Baby, you're back early."
"Is this the bracelet you've been looking for?" I asked slamming it down on the coffee table.

"Yeah, where did you find-"

"In Ricky's car. You better have one hell of an explanation."

"Baby it's not what it looks like. We went to a few places to pick a venue for your surprise party. That's it." She said.

"That's it?"

"Look." She said getting up and grabbing some papers and handing them me. They were venue brochures. "I promise that was it. I love you and I wouldn't do that. Especially not with Ricky, that's disgusting." She stated.

I sighed, "I'm sorry I've just been on edge. It feels like I'm only getting half the truth from everyone."

"Come sit down."

"I can't I have to get back to work." I said.


"How the hell did you get Williams in here?" I asked looking at B sitting in the interrogation room.

"We picked him up when he got back in town." Nathan said.

"He only wants to talk to you though." JJ said.

I went into the room, "B."

"Hey! Why the hell they got me in here? I told you I ain't do it!" He said.

"I know but between you and Joey it's like we're being tossed back and forth. We talked to Goratti-"

"Here or at his house?"

I blinked, "Why does it matter?"

He scoffed, "So because I'm black I gotta get thrown in a police car for y'all to ask questions?"

"B, you should have talked to me when I asked you." I told him.

"I did!"

"Okay, fine. Let's talk about your gang. I know you are all about loyalty. So tell me what happens when someone is disloyal to you."

"They get dealt with." He said.


"Depends. One guy stole $5,000 from me so I cut off five of his fingers. 2 from the left and 3 from the right. Then another fool was giving info to a rival gang. I beat his ass so bad he had to get his jaw wired shut."

"So you just torture them." I said coming to a conclusion.

"I send a message." He said.

"You ever kill anyone?"

"I plead the fifth."

I walked out and met up with Nathan and Janet.

"What the hell was that about?" JJ asked.

"I honestly don't think he did it." I admitted.

"How? You asked him if he ever murdered someone and he refused to answer."

"I just don't."

"Well I do."

I looked to the new guy, "Nathan?"

"I don't know. JJ how many times have the Cardinals really been blamed for anything besides drugs?" He asked.

JJ sighed, "Okay fine. I will try to give him the benefit of the doubt. But if we find out he did this, both of you owe me lunch for a week."


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