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Blaze answered the door in panic,"Ken! They came and they...they just took B away and-"

"You lied to me!" I interrupted.


"You lied! You told me you didn't know Ricky, I should have known you were lying when you called him Finn."

"Ken you need to calm down."

"NO! How did you know where I lived if I didn't tell you?! On top of that Joey told me Ricky had a problem, and that could have been why Byrd killed him."

"What would that be?"

"You! Is that why he killed him? Because you were screwing Ricky too?" I asked.

She looked hurt but I didn't care. "No and B didn't kill him!" She said.

"Well he's sitting in jail right now for murder."

"I know. You have to get him out of there! He's innocent!" She begged.

"How do you know?!" I asked.

"Because I know."

"Blaze you better start making some sense." I said get more pissed by the second.

"He didn't do it-"


"BECAUSE I DID IT!! Okay?" She said.


"It was me. I shot Finn."

I didn't believe her at first but when she started crying I knew she was telling the truth.

I was shocked, "Blaze, why?" I asked.

"Joey was right, Finn had a problem. It wasn't me. Finn didn't like the word no."

"Tell me what happened."I said sitting down on the couch.

She shook her head, "I can't."

I pulled her into my lap, "Blaze, I can't help you or Byrd if you don't tell me."

"A long time ago, B owed him some money and he came here looking for him. B wasn't here and Finn took that as an advantage. He started telling me how much he admired me and he thought I was beautiful. Then he kissed me and I pushed him off. He got so mad..." She started.

"Then what?"

"He hit me and pushed me on the bed. I tried to fight him but he was too strong. I tried screaming for help but he covered my mouth. Ken he...he raped me and I couldn't do anything but lay there. He said it was my fault for dressing like a whore..."

I never thought Ricky would do something so fucked up. Then again, he did a lot of other fucked up shit. He did have a issue with women. That's how he lost his wife.

She sighed as more tears fell,"Then I thought maybe it was my fault, so I didn't say anything. I found out I was pregnant a few weeks later. He thought it was his. He said he couldn't afford to have a bastard black baby walking around. I refused to get an abortion so I had the baby and when I saw her I knew she wasn't his. He just came and took her right out of my arms. Then told B she was stillborn." She continued.

"He stole the baby?"

She nodded, "When I recovered I vowed to find my baby. He wouldn't tell me at first, so I followed him around and harassed him until he did. He told me she was in the Oxford Lake. He killed her." She said as she broke down again.

"Then what happened? Blaze you gotta tell me."

"I took B's gun and I shot him right there. I took off before anyone could notice me. Ken I'm sorry I lied but I was scared. Especially after you said Joey wants the killer dead."

"Blaze, I'm so sorry." I said hugging her.

How could Ricky just torture someone like that and kill a baby? If he wasn't dead already I would kill him myself. People like him don't deserve to breathe.

"Raping me wasn't enough, he just had to keep torturing me and I just couldn't take it. He didn't deserve to live after he murdered my daughter." She said as if she read my mind.

"I know." "Blaze, if it wasn't his baby then whose was it?"

She looked down for a while then looked up at me. She didn't say anything but I read her eyes. Ricky killed my daughter.

"Kenny you have to get B out of there. Joey has connections in prison too. They'll kill him!" She pleaded.


She stood up, "I'll confess. I'll do the time I have nothing to lose-"

"No! Hell no. I'm not letting you confess. I'll fix this, okay?"

She nodded as I hugged her and let her cry for a little while longer.

"What you doing here?" B asked as the guards brought him in. I stayed quiet until they left.

"I need to tell you something important." I said.

"If it's about Joey's bitches in here, I already know. I can take the heat but I didn't murk Finn. I should have but I didn't."

"I know. Blaze did."

He chuckled softly, "Nah, she didn't do that. She doesn't even like guns."

"She confessed, Byrd. Ricky ruined her life right under your nose."

"Wait, what the hell he do?"

"He took advantage of her, and lied to you about the baby. It wasn't a stillbirth, Ricky threw the baby in a lake across town to cover his tracks."

He hit the table, "Son of a bitch! If I could bring his ass back to life, I'd do it just to kill his ass again."

"Look, Blaze shot him with your gun. So that's how they traced it back to you. She wants to confess-"

"No. She did the right thing by taking a fucked up dude off the streets. I'll do the time, it's just 20 years. They didn't have enough evidence for life."

I shook my head, "This isn't right." I said referring to the whole situation.

"It's what gotta be done. Take care of her for me, she's the only woman I ever loved besides my mama." He said.

I nodded, "I will."

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