"No, I don't know where everyone's at."

"Christen," they both turn towards the voice, "Ramos and the class is in the auditorium today."

"Oh right, thanks Chrissy." Chrissy was a fellow classmate and was a really great singer. If Christen had the urge to make friends, Chrissy would definitely be one.

Namjoon followed Christen to the auditorium and was in awe when he walked in. It was huge and it honestly looked like an arena.

Christen placed her bag and coat on a seat and Namjoon followed suit, placing his things next to hers.

"We're running lines today for our in class play, so you're gonna be an audience member obviously, since you came late and all the roles are filled." Christen explained as they walked on stage.

"Christen, nice to see you." Mr. Ramos called out once he seen her.

He was a young teacher and a handsome one at that. Everyone had a crush on him, guys, girls, teachers, animals. He kind of resembled Park HyungSik.

"Hey Ramos, this is Namjoon, your new student."

"Nice to meet you Namjoon."

The bell rang and Ramos gathered everyone on stage and explained what they were doing today, "we're gonna finish scene two today and then we're gonna jump into scene three. Did everyone research their character to get a better understanding?"

There were a few scattered yes's and some head nods before Ramos handed out the books that had the scripts in them.

"Alright everyone take your places and Namjoon you can follow me."

The two men exited off the stage and sat in the front row watching everyone on stage ready themselves.

"Whenever your ready." Ramos called out.

Christen entered the stage and sat in a chair at a lonely table before a another classmate by the name of Frankie joined her.

"Jenny, I think this is wrong." Frankie read.

"Why is it wrong? We love each other- "

"But I'm dating your sister and we both know how crazy she can get."

"I should have never fell for you." Christen got up and paced the stage.

"You can't help who you fall for." Frankie also got up and grabbed Christen's arm stopping her from moving around anymore.

"What are we gonna do, James? I love you, but if you wanna be with my sister then we should cut our losses now."

Namjoon watched everything unfold and he was shocked because they were so good, especially Christen. He didn't know her, but he was very surprised, she didn't seem like the type to be on stage acting, let alone be the lead.

"Jenny, I know what we have to do."


"We need... we need to kill your sister."

"AND CUT!" Ramos screamed which caused Namjoon to jump.

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