A chance

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Pablo was right, although I was very afraid to go to Qatar. German and I...

Why did it end like this? But I missed Violetta already, my sweetheart. There were so many advantages and disadvantages about going there. Tomorrow was the last schoolday, I was going to quit. I needed time to think, maybe I will help once in a while at the Studio. It is still my home. I still wasn't sure what to do.

'Angie. I miss you so much and the rest of the Studio. I hate it here, everything is so dull.'

'I miss you too, and I will always be there for you. Make the best out of it Vilu. You also did that here. I believe in you, stay strong. I will visit soon. I promise.'

She landed safely, I hated German for doing this to her. But I wanted her ... no, he is just being really selfish by doing this. She loved it here, she had friends, a study she loved, a family.

'Is it Violetta?'

I totally forgot that I was still talking to Pablo.

'I am sorry. I don't know Pablo. Really, and yes it was Violetta.'

'What did she say?'

'That she misses us.' I say smiling with tears in my eyes.

He pulled me in a hug. 'You want to stay with me tonight?'

I didn't know why but I said yes. I hoped that he didn't take it the wrong way. My tears escaped and Pablo kissed the drops away. I smiled. Normally, I would push him away but now it was so relaxing.

'I hate seeing you hurt like this.'

After the afterparty, Pablo took me to his home very early. He saw that I wasn't doing that good and wanted me to get some sleep.

I walked into his apartment and my eye caught a photo of us, I smiled.

'That is such a long time ago.' I said.

'Yes it is. Are you hungry?'

'A little bit.' I walked to the sofa, and sat.

'So this is where I am sleeping tonight.'

'No. You will be sleeping in my bed, I will sleep over here.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes.' He smiled. 'So what do you want me to order?'

'Hmm.' I thought.

He smiled.

'A pizza.' It was late but we didn't have the chance to eat much.

'Angie, I know that this won't be your last day but it feels like now you are quitting at the Studio that our ways are seperating and I am glad that I can share this night with you.'

'Yeah.' I smiled. I got him though I didn't know what he was thinking behind 'sharing'.

He called the Pizeria and ordered 2 pizzas. He didn't need to ask me what I wanted because he knew what my fave pizza was.

Pablo came sitting next to me and put an arm around me. I lied my head against his chest.

German's name was haunting in my head. Memories were flooting. When we kissed, when we fought, our denying moments, but what he did know. I don't know, I thought he changed but he never did I guess. He disappointed me. This isn't the man I fell in love with.

I cried and I couldn't stop, I broke down in Pablo's arms. I was glad I was with him instead of home alone.

'Angie.' He hugged me again and he didn't let me go.

'Let it go, please let it go. Think of Violetta and no one else.'

I cried even harder because of his words, it made me realise what kind douchebag German is even more. Violetta. All alone at the other side of the world.

'I guess I didn't use the right words.'

I smiled a little bit. He tried to do it so good.

'I love your smile, don't let him ruin it.'

He kissed away my tears again. I didn't stop him this time either.

I felt like his lips were coming closer to mine when the doorbell went. Our pizzas.

He stood up. Pablo was wearing a blue blouse but his left chest was more like black because of my mascara and it was a bit soaked. He paid and came back.

'What do I have to pay you back?'

'Are you crazy? You don't owe me anything and you never will.'


We ate our pizzas and watched some TV.The TV took my mind of things, because I immediately fell asleep as soon as I finished my pizza.

I didn't know what happened but I guess Pablo carried me into his bed because I woke up at 4 AM in his bed. Violetta probably just woke up. The thought of Violetta made me cry.

The door went open and Pablo came in. He was only in his boxers but I didn't mind. When we were together I have seen him many times like this. He laid next to me and hold me tight.

'It will be okay.' He whispered.

'I wish he never did that. Sending me away after he found out the truth okay, but this. You were right, I should have told them the truth from the beginning, maybe Violetta didn't have to suffer so much right now.'

'Are you more sad because of Violetta or German?'

'Violetta, because she has a father like him.'

'You hate him but you also love him.'

'I loved the man I used to know.'

I started to cry again.

'Ssshttt.' Pablo tried to calm me down.

'I am glad I am with you right now.'

'I always be there for you.'

He kissed me.

'I am sorry but this might have been the last chance to do it.' He said.

I kissed him this time.

'Yes, I want to try again with you. You are better for me than him.'

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