Always and Forever pt 1

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Hello there, I'm here with a new chapter. Dont feel like writing an authors note rn, lol.

   "Kara, she lost a lot of blood. She needs a blood transfusion... wait. A BLOOD TRANSFUSION. If we can get her brothers blood, then we can clear her blood of the kryptonite. It should heal her-"
    "My blood won't work," Tyler walks up behind Kara and I, with J'ohn following him, "It would only make her more vunerable..."

Tyler POV

"What do you mean your blood wont work, you two are twins?" Kara says.
    "I inherited the lead allergy and Hadley inherited the kryptonite allergy. Even though I recieved a vaccine for my allergy, it's still in my genitics. That means, if I gave Hadley my blood, there is a risk she may inherit the allergy. And I don't have a vaccine for it. It would kill her." The only person who has compatable blood to Hadley, is mom. But, I can't say anything, I already told J'ohn too much.
    "What about me," mom says, "I'm kryptonian and so are they. If I give Hadley my blood, it should help her."
    "Thats not a bad idea," Aunt Alex says, "Because both of you have the same allergy, your blood could purify her blood. It would overpower the kryptonite."

    With my superhearing, I can hear shuffling in the Med Bay. I then use my x-ray vision, and I see hadley. Her eyes are open, and she is attempting to get up, which she shouldn't do. I push through the crowd of people, and race into the Med Bay.

    "Hadley," I run up beside her and help her lay back down, "Hey you have to lay down. You've been through a lot today."
    "What were you all talking about back there," she says. Right then, everyone else walks in.
    "We were saying was that we need to give you a bloo-" Aunt Alex started, but I cut her off. I didn't want Hadley to figure out that she may die.
    "We need to give you a plate of food. You haven't eaten since forever," I say.
    "I can get you pizza and potstickers," mom adds in, "Oh and some ice cream. Ice cream makes everything better."
    "Pizza, potstickers, ice cream, those are my comfort foods," Hadley replies.
    "Supergirl, shes like a mini you," J'ohn says. Hadley and I laugh awkardly. Hadley basically is my mom. They both love the same things, except Hadley isn't into journalism, she loves science.
    "As much as I love food, I can tell you guys are keeping something from me. What is it?" Hadley saw right through me.
    "Why would you think that-" I start.
    "Crinkle, both you and Supergirl have it," Hadey says, sitting up, "Is it about the fact that I'm not healing, because I am in a ton of pain right now, and it's not pleasant. I think I deserve to know why I'm not healing. And I can see right through all of you."
    "Thats because they aren't good liars," Aunt Alex says, "Hadley, when you were in surgery, one of the bullets shattered at the tip. The kryptonite got in your blood system. Its keeping you from healing. We need to give you a blood transfusion to purify your blood, and wash out all kryptonite. It will inevitably save you." She just sits there looking at nothing.
    "Hadley? Hadley are you okay?" Kara says.
    "Uhhh, I don't know. I think I need that ice cream," she says.
    "I'll get that for you," mom says as she walks out.

Kara POV

    I walk out of the Med Bay with just so much on my mind. Hadley was so horrifed when she heard the news. I could tell why her brother tried to keep it from her. I can't imagine what was going through her mind. The kryptonite in her system could kill her, and she has to live with that. As I'm walking through the hallway, I run into Mon-El.

A/N: Kara and Mon-El are married rn

    "Kara, what's going on in the Med Bay? I saw you and everyone else with some teenage girl on a gourney, and a boy with her."
"The girl, Hadley, was shot twice. Shes being treated here. The boy, Tyler, is her brother. They're here because they are aliens, and Hadley was shot with kryptonite. They're half kryptonian, half daxamite."
"Wait, WHAT?"
"Mon-El, quiet. Come with me, I have to go get Hadley some food."

We walk out of the DEO together, in our civilian clothes. I call in and order pizza and potstickers. Once I'm done ordering those two things, we head to the nearest grocery store to get some ice cream.

"It's so weird. Hadley and I are so alike, and you and Tyler are basically the same. It's freaky. Also, they showed up around the time that there was a huge surge of energy in the park. The only other time I've seen thatis when a wormhole opens."
"So what do you think. That they are our future children or something?"
"Haha, yeah no. They're probably just from another earth. Where did you come up with future children. Mon-El, I can't just take 9 months off from being Supergirl."
"Yeah, true. On that topic, how would you feel about starting a family?"
"Mon-El, I would love to start a family with you, but not right now. But maybe someday."
"Yeah, someday. So what ice cream flavour are you getting?"
"Damnit, I forgot to ask what flavour. Oh well, I'll just get the best flavour out there," I pick up a gallon container of rocky road ice cream, "Ok, the pizza and potstickers should be ready soon, so we should pay for this and get going."
"I never did ask, if Hadley was in surgery, and is now out, shouldn't she've healed by now?"
"Thats the thing, she still has kryptonite in her system. She lost a lot of blood when she was shot, so she needs a blood transfusion. So, I'm donating some of my blood to save her. My blood will purify her blood, ridding her of the kryptonite."
"What about her brother, can't he donate blood?"
"Thats the thing, he can't give her his blood because it may give her the lead allergy, beacuse thats the allergy he inherited."
"Wait then how is he breathing in the air?"
"He has a vaccine, probably back on his earth."
"Oh, that makes sense."
"Ok so we have the ice cream, and the pizza and potstickers should be ready. We get those and head back to the DEO asap."
"Aye aye captain."

To be continued...

A/N: This wasn't originally gonna be 2 parts but im lazy and dont feel like writing anymre, lmao.
Hope u enjoyed this. Comment down below if u want more karamel scenes, or what u want more of.

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