Stay pt 2

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Holo everyone its me SupergirlFandom again, and im here with another chapter. This is part 2, of course, based on the title. Im in the car rn so there may be a ton of spelling errors, lmao.
All my love,

Tyler POV

I run into the Med Bay to see Hadley hooked up to a ton of machines. There are two other agents setting up sun lamps around her. They look over at me, then one of the agent grabbed a stool and placed it next to the gourney. They finished setting up the lamps, then turned them on and walked out. I walked over, sat on the stool, and looked down at my sister. She looked so peaceful.

"Hey Hadley." I say as I hold her hand, "You're gonna be just fine, okay. They fixed you right up. In about a day, you'll be running around in no time, so just hold on." I just sit there, my eyes closed, holding my sisters hand. It pains me to look at her like this, all hooked up to machines. Thats when Aunt Alex walks in.
"Yes Aun- Director Danvers?"
"I need you to follow me," she says sternly.
"Yes, of course," I stand up and start to walk away, but Hadley keeps holding onto my hand. I look down at her, her eyes now open. Shes awake. "Hey hey Hadley, I'll be right back, okay?" She nods. "Okay."

I follow Aunt Alex down to the interrogation room. Wait. Oh shit. I know whats about to happen. I walk in and see the table with two empty chairs.

"I need you to sit down here," she says.
"Okay Director," I respond.

I wait a few minutes until the one and only J'ohn Jonzz walks in, and sits across from me. He gives me his famous disapproving mad face.

"So," he starts, "What's your name?"
"Tyler," I respond.
"What's your full name?"
"Tyler Alexander."
"What's your last name."
"I can't tell you that."
"Yes you can. It's actually quite easy."
"No I can't. It's not that easy."
"Oh but I think it is."
"And why do you think that?"
"Because if you don't tell me then we will have to escort you and your sister out, and that may kill her. See, I know something you don't."
"And what would that be?" I truly am a bit nervous. Something is wrong and I can feel it.
"While Hadley was in surgery, the bullet in her shoulder shattered at the tip. The kryptonite, it's in her blood stream. Without proper treatment here, she will die."
"Your bluffing."
"No I'm not. Now you either tell me who you are or your sister won't get proper treatment." I don't have a choice. It's for Hadley's sake.
"Fine. But only on one condition. No one else listens."
"Done," he taps into his coms, "Danvers, I think its time to switch out the breathing tube for the girl.... Ok no one is listening."
"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."
"The world is full of the impossible."
"Fine. My name is Tyler Alexander Danvers-Matthews, or just Danvers, either one works. My sisters name is Hadley Beatrix Grace Danvers-Matthews, or just Danvers. We're from the future. The big surge of energy in the park was the wormhole that we came out of. Our parents are Kara Zor-El and Mon-El, also known as the superheros Supergirl and Valor. Hadley and I came here to prevent something from happening in 2034."
"That's impossible."
    "It's not. Like you said, the world is full of the impossible."
    "Okay-" I couldn't see any emotion in his face.
    "You don't believe me, do you."
    "No, I just have to process it all."
    "J'ohn you can't tell anyone. I promised future you that Hadley and I would stay hidden. Get the job finished as fast as possible."
    "What did you two need to prevent?"
    "I can't tell you that. I can't risk anyone having information on the future."
    "But if you two came here to prevent it, doesn't that mean that it won't happen in the future? Therefore, you can tell me." He does have a point. So, I have to tell him.

Alex POV

    After J'ohn reminds me to change the breathing tube for Hadley, I run back to the Med Bay. Walking in, I see Kara talking to Hadley. I can tell she is scared, I mean why wouldn't she be. She's surrounded by strange people, in a strange place, she almost just died, and her brother isn't here.

    "Hey there Hadley. I have some great news," I say with a smile, hopefully cheering her up, "You get the breathing tube off, and it will be replaced with the nasal cannula, so you can talk to us again. Isn't that exciting?"
    "Thats great Alex! Hadley, that means you're getting better," Kara says with enthuiasm.
    "Ok Hadley, you'll have to be alseep for this procedure, so I'll have to give you anesthesia. There's nothing to be worried about." I give Hadley the anesthesia, and within the minute, she is asleep.
    "Ok, removing the tube... carefully... Kara can you grab the nasal cannula, its right there... okay the tube is out, vitals are normal."
    "Here's the nasal cannula, Alex," Kara hands it to me.
    "Thanks Kara, I just need to hook it up... ok, everything is set. Hadley should be awake soon. Hey Kara?"
    "Yeah Alex?"
    "I need to tell you something, but not in here. If she wakes up, I don't want her to hear." Kara and I walk out of the room.
    "Alex, whats wrong. I can tell when you are about to give bad news."
    "When performing the surgery, part of the bullet in her shoulder shattered. It wasn't a big amount that shattered, but enough to keep her from healing. I just... I don't know what to do."
    "Alex, why didn't you tell me sooner. That girl in there could die if the kryptonite gets to her heart."
    "Kara, she lost a lot of blood. She needs a blood transfusion... wait. A BLOOD TRANSFUSION. If we can get her brothers blood, then we can clear her blood of the kryptonite. It should heal her-"
    "My blood won't work," Tyler walks up behind Kara and I, with J'ohn following him, "It would only make her more vunerable..."

To be continued...

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