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Authors Note: Hey guys sry i havent made a new chapter for a while. I had to finish up with finals and I was on a trip this past weekend where I had no Wi-Fi. So heres an update. I promise there will be a ton more updates because I have a pretty free summer.
P.S. Ths chapter is a long one.
Lots of Love,

Hadley POV
Friday, November 24, 2034

It's been 5 horrible days since the incident. Today was the day I dreaded the most. My parents funeral. I always imagined this to happen when they were elderly. I always wished for them to go peacefully and happy. I knew I could change that, my mother told me I could change that. I still had hope.

Today, all of the superheroes were coming. That means Barry Allen, AKA The Flash, would be there. I had to talk to him. I had to get his help. I knew he could help send Tyler and I back in time. I just need to convince Tyler. I also need to tell J'ohn and Aunt Alex about what my mother told me and convince them.

Currently, I am standing in a room in the DEO that is full of fancy clothing, mostlikely used for undercover work. It was supposed to be so simple: find a goddamn black dress, but nothing is appealing. I know these dresses are beautiful, but it just makes this too real. If only my mother were here... she would tell me that everything looked beautiful on me. She would help me pick out a dress. But, if she were here, I wouldn't need to pick out a black dress for a funeral. I wouldn't need to dread today. We would still be a family...

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock at the door.
    "Hadley, sweetheart, Its Aunt Alex, "she says through the door, "Have you picked anything out? Can I come in?"
    "Yeah," I respond, "Come on in." Walking in, she sees me standing there, surrounded by clothes. I'm just so annoyed right now that I don't even care about the mess.
"I guess you haven't picked out a dress yet," she states, walking over to look at the dresses I've layed out, "So, is it that you can't choose a dress or that you don't want to choose a dress?" She sees right through me. My eyes start to tear up, but I hold them back.
"I don't want to choose one," I admit, "Choosing a dress to wear to my paents funeral... It makes it all too real." My tears started to escape. "I don't wan't this to be real. I wan't to wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine. I wan't to wake up and mom and dad will still be alive. But instead, I'm stuck here trying to pick out a stupid dress that I have to wear to say gooodbye to my parents forever in."
"Hadley," she says and I look up at her, "It's not forever. Tyler told me what you told him, about what your mother told you. Going to the past to save them. I think you should do it. I want you to save them. I don't know what J'ohn thinks, but I will do everything in my power to convince him. Now, how about I help you pick out a dress. Do you have anything in mind?"
    "Yeah, I do," I turn around to pick up two outfits, "So the first one is a jumpsuit, and I would wear it with a black cardigan and a hat with lace that covers my face. But what I really liked was this flowy dress, shorter in the front and longer in the back, of course. And I would top it off with a black cardigan and this black hat with lace in front."
    "Here, I'll let you try them on and you decide which one." She says with a smile.

Aunt Alex steps out of the room and I change into the jumpsuit first. I add on all the accesories, then turn oround in the mirror. I start to think about what my mom would say. I decide to push her out of my mind and open the door.
    "Ok heres the first outfit," I announce.
    "Eh," she responds, "I like it but don't love it. It just isn't... you. Go ahead and try on the other outfit." I nod and walk back into the room. I put on the dress and all the accessories with it. I look in the mirror and it actually looks good. I turn around to go show Aunt Alex my outfit.
    "Ok, so heres the one I really liked," I say aloud. She turns around.
    "It looks... beautiful," she says while exhaling.
    "My mother would've said the same thing," I whisper, it was too quiet for a human to hear, so Aunt Alex didn't notice it.
    "Ok," she announces, "We should probably get going. We need to be the firsts ones there."

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