Always and Forever pt 2

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Hello there, yes im friends with batman. Yay. I'm back, with another chapter. Hope u like it.
Ps: HOLO!!!!!!!! It is may da cool one!!!!!!! YEEEEEE!!!!!!! May da Author btw!!!!!!! What tis das you may be wonder. Why so weird ... im weird... time for the new themesong!!!!!! I BAMAN I PIDERMAN I COME OVER DA HOUSE WE'RE BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!! -Author (DA REAL ONE!)
-Authors lad who stole authors keyboard
What's up you hecking hecks
-Authors other lad who also stole authors keyboard

Hadley POV

"Tyler," I yell out.
"Yes Hadley?" He responds.
"I'm bored, I wanna do something."
"No, you need your rest."
"But I'm rested, I've been laying down on this stupid gourney for so long. What about a walk? Can we go for a walk?"
"Ugh, fine. but we're not leaving the DEO."
"I can live with that. Help me up."
"No, you need to get your strength back, so that means you need to get up yourself."
"You know what, you are so freaking annoying. At least let me grab your hand for support."
"Fine." I grab his hand and swing my legs over the gourney. Using my hands, I start to push myself up, but I couldn't do it. I reached my hand out for Tyler to help me up. He grabbed my hand and guided me off the gourney.
    "See, I told you that I couldn't do it by myself. So, am I right or am I right?"
    "You're half right. You got up mostly on your own, which is great. Now, you wanted to go for a short walk, so I'll help you with that."
    "Thank Rao, I don't think I could ever do this without my little brother."
    "You know you love me. But in all honesty, I couldn't do this without you."
    "Oh no Hadley," we start walking around the DEO, "What is this new kindness and compassion you are showing. It must be the kryptonite affecting your personality."
    "Ha ha very funny. I'll have you know, I can be nice and compassionate... when I want to be."
    "And what are you doing up right now," Aunt Alex walks up and asks. By now we are downstairs, in the DEO cortex, "Hadley you should be resting. Kara will be back any minute with your food."
    "But Aun- Director Danvers, I was bored. I needed to strech my legs. Plus I forced Ty to help me."
    "She's been clinging onto my arm for support the whole time," Tyler speaks up, "I will always make sure my sister is okay."
    "Fine, but you need to be back in the Med Bay when Kara gets back. And stay in my visual direction."
    "No problemo Director," Tyler says. Tyler and I walk around for about 15 more minutes, until mom and dad get back. Most of the time, I was holding onto Tyler's shoulder for support. Other times, I leaned against the wall. But, it was better than sitting on that gourney all day.

Kara POV

    "Hey kiddos, I'm back with food... wait, why aren't you in the Med Bay resting?" I announce.
    "I needed to strech my legs. Anything would be better than laying down on that gourney all day," Hadley says.
    "Touché," I respond, and we start walking back towards the Med Bay, "So, I have pizza, potstickers, and ice cream. I forgot to ask which ice cream flavour you liked, so I got the best, Rocky Road!! I hope you're fine with that."
    "Of course I'm fine with that, Rocky Road anything is amazing. I grew up eating Rocky Road ice cream. Theres even this fudge shop near Noonan's. They have amazing rocky road fudge. To die for."
    "Wait, you mean Little Town Fudge?!" I would be surprised she goes there, I've never seen her there before.
    "Hell yeah I do. I've been going there for years."
    "They have the best fudge ever. How come I've never seen you there before? I go to that shop all the time!"
    "Usually I get there right when they open. Thats when the fudge is the best. We should go sometime."
    "Yes," I open the door to the Med Bay, "Yes we should." Tyler helps Hadley back onto the gourney, while I quickly grab the food from Mon-El. I turn around, and as soon as Hadley sees the pizza boxes, she extended her arms implying that I hand her the box, which I did. Rao, I don't think I've ever seen anyone start eating food that fast, not even me. She just went right in, no regrets.
    "Hadley, slow down, you're gonna choke," Tyler says.
    "Tyler, chill. I haven't eaten since yesterday. I'm hungry."

    The food is gone within 10 minutes. In that time, Mon-El joined our food party in the Med Bay. A couple of times, Alex walked in to set up the red sun lamps for me, and she had everything prepared for the procedure. She told us to hurry up, because we needed to perform the blood transfusion before 10 pm.

    I waited about an hour, so all the food could digest. By now, the red sun lamps are turned on, and Mon-El and Tyler have cleared the room. I was instructed to lay down on the gourney next to Hadley. I felt the affects of the red sun lamps pretty quickly. I'd have to say it took about 2 minutes.

    "Ok, so here's how this is going to work," Alex says, "Kara, I'm going to insert this needle in your forearm. We only need 1 1/2 pints of blood from you Kara. Once we have the blood, Hadley, I will replace your IV fluid with the blood. I will connect this cord to your IV, and give you the blood. The transfusion can take as little as 5 minutes and at most 2 hours. Fingers crossed that it won't be a long wait."
    "That doesn't sound bad," Hadley says.
    "No, it doesn't. Once we have your blood, Kara, we will put you back under yellow sun lamps. Hadley, when the transfusion is complete, you will have to wait 12 hours to let Kara's blood mix with yours. Until I say otherwise, you are on bed rest, understand?"
    "Yes ma'am," Hadley says.
    "Good, now, Kara, I'm starting the procedure. Inserting needle into forearm... needle in. Time to extract the blood. Kara, here's a juice box. It will help keep your sugar levels high and hopefuly keep you from getting light heaed."
    "Thank you Alex," I respond, grabbing the juice.
    "Okay, now filling up the first pint of blood," It takes about 1 minute for the first pint to fill up, "First pint down, another to go... filling up 1/2 pint of blood... filled. Okay Kara, you're done. Now, I have the yellow sun lamps set up for you. Go lay under those," Alex says as she's switching out the IV fluid bag with the blood bag, "Once you have your powers back, you should eat some sugar, get your blood sugar levels back to normal. Ok, Hadley, time for your blood transfusion. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Mon-El POV

    I'm standing next to Tyler, the teen boy whose sister is being treated here at the DEO. We're both looking through the glass windows to see what's happening in the Med Bay. I see Kara get her blood taken, and I see Hadley get her blood. Kara is currently sitting under yellow sun lamps, presumably taking a nap. Every so often, I glance down at Tyler, who hasn't taken his eye off of his sister. The more I look at him, the more I realise that he sort of looks like Kara and I, his eyes match hers, his hair matches both of us, but his face looks similar to mine. And, Hadley looks just like Kara and I. She has Karas nose, and my hair color. Her eyes are a mix of both mine and Karas. What if Kara was right and they are from the future? But alas, I must be imagining things. It's just not possible.

    A couple hours pass, and Tyler is still staring at his sister. He hasn't left his position. A while ago I went to the training room to work on different fighting styles. That must've taken at least an hour. Thankfully, Alex walks out of the Med Bay, and looks at Tyler and I.

    "The transfusion was a success, your sister will be fine."

To be continued...

Hey guys sry for the super late update. I've just been too lazy to write this chapter, and I know that isn't a worthy excuse but I don't care. Ok anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter.
- Artttastic

Changing the Past: A Karamel FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora