I ran off and instantly went to the drink table. Listen I don't have a problem, it's just being drunk is more fun than being sober. I scanned the table and I found the bottle of vodka. I grabbed a red plastic cup and I filled it halfway.

I took a quick drink and I felt the liquid go down my throat. I haven't had any alcoholic drink in a while because I was grounded and couldn't leave my room. Well, that's what I get for sneaking out.

Then I felt someone grab my arm. I turn around and it was Nikki. She led me to the dance floor and we stayed there for hours. Every now and then I would go back to refill my cup so that I could get more drunk.

At the rate I was drinking I was going to end up wasted and probably passing out before I even got back to the car. My reality soon started to slip away and I was acting crazy.

My vision was blurry and I lost Nikki in the crowd. I could hear her yell my name but I couldn't spot her anywhere. I then felt someone wrap an arm around my waist.

"Hey there. Are you lost?"

I looked up and it was a super hot guy. He was tall and had short dirty blonde hair. His eyes were the bluest I've ever seen and his smile...perfect!

"H-Heyy I-I'm not that lost. I just, I just need to find my friend."

He laughed at me trying to look around and point her out.

"Are you drunk?"

I giggled, "ya, ya maybe a littttle..."

"Come on let's get you some water."

I pushed myself away from him, "No. I'm fine being like this. It's more fun anyway."

Then out of nowhere Nikki comes running up to the random guy.

"Lucas did you see a girl about (height), (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (h/c) hair, and probably f*cking drunk right now."

He laughed and pointed at me. "You mean this girl right here?"

Nikki didn't even reply she just ran to me and tackled me in a hug. "Okay missy it's almost three in the morning. You've had enough to drink. Plus it's time to get you home."

She took the plastic cup from my hand and I whined. "Noooo, I don't wanna go Nikki. I wanna stay and party."

"(Y/N) that's all we've been doing and right now I'm cutting you off. Come on let's go."

She looked over at Lucas and told him goodbye and I did the same. She was dragging me by my wrist and I just tried to keep up. We were almost near the car and all of a sudden I felt my stomach turn and I felt something in my throat.

I pulled away from Nikki and I ran towards a bush that was close to me. I leaned over and I spilled whatever I drank that night into the bush. Nikki walked up behind me and slowly rubbed circles on my back to comfort me.

Once I was completely empty, I walked back to the car with Nikki and was ready to go home. I didn't buckle my seatbelt because I didn't want to be bothered by it right now. All I wanted to do was sleep for a million years.

Nikki started her car and she began to drive fast down the street. I felt the cool air on my face as she drove. I looked over at her and her eyes were full of tears.

"Nikki what's wrong?"

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked forward. "Oh...um nothing (Y/N)."

"Nikki I can tell when you're lying. I mean you wouldn't cry for no reason."

"Heh... you know me too well. But I got dumped."

Back in the Old TimesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora