Keith Gets Appendicitis

Start from the beginning

Lance entered and Keith prepared himself for the jokes.

"Came to make fun of me for throwing up?" he said, staring up at the ceiling.

Instead of the usual humor, Lance's voice was calm and caring. "You did? Are you feeling bad?"

Keith turned to look at him and was surprised to see concern in his eyes. Huh, that's different. "I think it's a stomach virus or something. I'll be fine."

"Oh, that's too bad. Here, I brought you something." He placed a plate of pie on Keith's nightstand.

Keith chuckled, but winced and brought his hand to his aching stomach, rubbing at it mindlessly. "You brought me dessert?"

Instead of answering, Lance was swift to move to his side, his face in a hard frown. "Are you in pain? Does your stomach hurt?"

Keith flinched as he tried sitting up, but managed to lean his back against the wall. "A bit. It's been kind of achy all day." Keith raised an eyebrow and looked him in the eye. "Lance, why do you care so much? You're acting kind of. . . strange."

Lance blushed and looked down at his hands as he took a deep breath. "Keith, I have something to tell you and I've been hesitating since I didn't know if you felt the same, but since you're asking and all and can't exactly walk away from me right now, I um, I sorta, kinda. . . like you?" he said, with a questioning look on his face.

Keith said nothing at first, just taking it all in, his face unreadable. There was no look of disgust at least, so hopefully the confession wasn't too out of line.

"Well, say something, dumbo. My heart's racing and now I hope you don't hate me."

"Hate you?" Keith said without missing a beat. He put his hand on Lance's knee, making Lance's heart skip a beat. "Why would I hate you? No, Lance, I kind of like you, too."

Keith's confession got Lance's spirits soaring and a smile graced his lips. "Really?" Lance asked. "You're not playing around with me?"

"I'm serious," Keith said. Another jolt of pain stabbed his stomach, but this time, the pain moved to his right side. He yelped and grabbed at it with his hands.

Lance's eyes went to Keith's stomach. "Are you okay? What's the matter?"

"It's nothing. Just my side," he said, closing his eyes as he rode out the pain.

Lance sat down next to him on the bed. "Keith, you might want to get that checked out, or maybe Coran can fix up a pod for you."

Keith groaned. The worst of the pain in his side had passed, but now it was a dull ache. "Pods don't work on sickness. I'll be fine."

"Can I get you something?" He thought about maybe bringing him some warm soup from the kitchen, and started heading that way. "There's soup."

Keith's hand caught his knee and pulled him back. "Lance, don't go! Can't you just stay with me? For a little while?"

He couldn't say no to those sleepy, tired yet desperate eyes. What was even more gratifying was that those pleading eyes wanted him.  Of all paladins, Keith wanted him to stay with him! His stomach did a flip of excitement and he smiled gently. "Yeah, sure, Keith."

Keith patted the space next to him on the bed. Lance swallowed and took off his shoes and lay next to the sick boy. Keith smiled weakly at him and Lance took that as a cue that maybe it would be okay to put his arm around him.

He worried that would be too much too soon, but Keith immediately lowered himself back on his pillow and nuzzled himself into Lance's side. Lance rubbed his back gently and saw Keith's eyes shut. Lance never thought he'd be able to get this close to Keith, not in a million years. He rubbed his fingers up and down his covered back, waiting for when Keith would roll over and sock him, but the punch never came.

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