Chapter 10

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When we got home from the dance I was super tired so I fell asleep on Jorge as soon as he layed down. I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare. It was the first nightmare I've had at Jorge's house. I woke up screaming and woke up everyone else. "Baby what's wrong, what happened?" I dug my head into Jorge's chest and he rubbed my back. I calmed down and fell back asleep. Jorge stayed up to make sure I fell asleep.


When I woke up the next morning Jorge was still sleeping. I took a picture of him while he was till sleeping and posted it on Instagram and Snapchat. I put the caption, "I love him more than anything in the whole world💍💎😘💜" When he woke up he checked his phone and saw my post so he looked at me and kissed me. I love his kisses they make me feel safe. "I will always protect you." "I love you." That gave me shivers because he has never said that in person. I felt a smile across my face. "I love you too baby." I got up off of the bed and I went and jumped on Cody. Maci was already awake and little did we know she recorded our love moment. I blushed and yelled at Cody, "Wake up Cody!" He woke up and flipped over so I fell off of his back. I kissed his cheek. "Go away sis I'm not awake yet." "Fine jackass." I went back to the bed where Jorge was sitting and playing on his phone. I hugged him tight and sat on his lap. I started to kiss his cheek and he turned away so I kissed him on the lips. He got up and grabbed his drawing stuff and started sketching out what looked like a person. I continued to look at it and found out what he was drawing was me. I smiled and said, "Wow where did you learn how to draw like that?" He smiled and laughed a little. "It's you." I looked at it. It did look like me. He walked up to his wall and taped it up on the wall. I smiled and looked at it again. "I love it." Jorge grabbed my hand and spun me around then grabbed my butt and lifted me up and kissed me. We were planning on going to Egg Haven and eating breakfast there,so we got ready to go. I got up and got in the shower with Jorge. When I got out I put on my towel and sat on the bed. I waited until Jorge got out then I got dressed. I put on a black lace bra and panties and I did my makeup. I finally got dressed.

 I finally got dressed

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My outfit

Jorge's outfit

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Jorge's outfit

Jorge's outfit

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Cody's outfit

Kyla's outfit

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Kyla's outfit

Anthony's outfit

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Anthony's outfit

Anthony's outfit

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Maci's outfit

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