Chapter 4

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Jorge looked right at us when we walked downstairs. "Damn mamas!" He looked at us and smiled. I felt my face getting hot. I walked over to the couch where Jorge was sitting and sat down. He put his arm around my shoulders. "You are so adorable." I smiled and he leaned in to kiss me but I backed up. "I can't do this." I looked over and Kyla was staring at us. "What?" She laughed, "Nothing it's just that the whole thing you just did was cute." I blushed and put my head in Jorge's chest. I laughed and then my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that Cody texted me.

Hey sis there's gonna be a party at Alison's house tonight, we wanted to know if u guys wanted to go?

I replied, Yeah we're going to the party. See u there love u little bro.

I went back upstairs and put on music. Jorge came up and plopped down on my bed. "What are you doing?" He grabbed me and pulled me down on the bed. I laughed, "I'm getting ready for the party, can I use your shower." He looked me up and down and smiled, "Yeah it's down the hall, to the left." I walked down the hallway and walked into the bathroom. I took my clothes off and started the water. I was looking for a towel and realized that there was none. I face-palmed, "Jorge where the hell are the towels!" I heard him laugh, "I took them." I growled, "Can I have one?" He laughed again, "Come and get it." I turned to get my clothes and somehow they got in the toilet. I peeked out the door. The coast as clear. I went out and hurried up to grab a towel. Next thing I knew he was standing in front of me. "No digás nada." I wanted to hide but I had nowhere to go. "Hey, looking for this." He held the towel in his hand. "Yes, now can you give me it please." He smiled, "Only if I can sit and talk to you while your in there." I nodded and walked back in the bathroom and got in the shower. Jorge sat on the toilet and saw my clothes, soaking wet on the floor. He grabbed one of his black t-shirts and my other pair of underwear and my other bra and came back in the bathroom. I started to sing and he walked in. I didn't notice him walk in so I continued singing. He sat back down on the toilet and listened. I got out of the shower and Jorge handed me my towel. "So I heard you singing." I smiled, "And what'd you think?" "I loved it, you have such a beautiful voice." My cheeks turned red. "Oh I have something for you." He grabbed the clothes and handed them to me. "What is this?" I smirked and he left so I could get dressed. I found myself in an oversized black t-shirt. I came out of the bathroom in his shirt. "Aiy mami, you look hot in my shirt." I ignored his comment and asked Kyla for her belt. Jorge followed me in the bathroom. I gnored him and put on the belt. I rolled up the sleeves and walked out of the bathroom. I went into Jorge's room, did my makeup and blow-dried my hair. I curled my hair and put it up in a ponytail. Kyla got ready and by the time she was done we grabbed our stuff and left.

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