Chapter 1

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I walked slowly down the hallway with my best friend Allie and her brother Caleb. She looked over at the guy I've liked since I knew he existed. "Hey look it's Jorge." I looked over and he looked at me so I blushed. He started walking over to me. We were friends I just never told him I liked him. "Hey mamas!" he yelled and put his arm on my shoulder. "Stop pestering me okay, I'm trying to walk to class." He kissed my cheek. "Bye mamas." He walked in the other direction and went to class. I went to class and I sat down in my friend group. I wanted to say something to Allie about it but I just sat there and got out my notebook. Allie turned to me and walked over to Ella then came back. "She needs help, honestly, dieting sucks."

I wanted Jorge to be there with me even though he didn't know I had feelings for him. My sister came in to grab the book I was holding in my hand. I looked at her and smiled,"Looking for this." She grabbed the book, smiled, and walked out. "Kyla wait, give this to Jorge." She turned around and grabbed the other notebook.

After class Jorge met me in the hallway he grabbed my hand and stopped walking. All of my friends stopped in the hallway to watch what he was going to do next. He grabbed my other hand and I felt my blood drain from my head. ¨Hey I've been wanting to ask you a question for a while.¨ I smiled,¨Okay, go ahead and ask me.¨ He took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I smiled. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend!" I hugged him super tight and he picked me up off my feet. Allie and Kyla looked at eachother and both at the same time said,"Awe!" The bell rang and it was time to get to homeroom so Kyla and I walked to homeroom together. "You guys would be so cute together." I smacked her arm as we walked in to class. "Okay you dont have to rub it in I know that you guys have been wanting us together for a long time." I sat down beside my best friend Lluvia. "Hey what's up." I gave her the look that you give somebody when you know that they already know what your gonna say. "What is it, I know your gonna say, say it."

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