They headed towards a cafe and chilled there for sometime when Mukti said,
Mukti: Ohk Enough.... I can't work after this, lets go out for a movie guys!

Cabir: Great Idea!!

Manik: Ohk then... Let me book the tickets.

Saying so Manik took out his phone and started looking for shows when Dhruv said,
Dhruv: Guys... Isn't that the same girl from last night??

They all turned around where he was looking when they recognised that it was the same Mystery Girl sitting out there at the corner working on her laptop as she sipped her coffee looking damn cute

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They all turned around where he was looking when they recognised that it was the same Mystery Girl sitting out there at the corner working on her laptop as she sipped her coffee looking damn cute. Just then they heard Aliya whisper,
Aliya: Nandu!!

Aliya immediately got up and walked towards her as she tapped on her shoulder, the girl turned around to notice Aliya and the next minute she got up and threw her arms around her.

Nandini: Ohh God... I missed u so so much!! I was waiting for ur call since the morning but then thought that u might still be crying like an idiot.

Aliya laughed at her and chose to ignore her words,
Aliya: I m so glad u r back!! U came so suddenly last night, and didn't even stay back.

Nandini: Ohh yes... I came directly to ur place from the airport so I had to go back home but I did leave my number for u...

Aliya: Number??
Aliya asked having no idea about it, when Nandini looked at the others behind her. Aliya too turned back when Manik said,

Manik: Yeah she did but we forgot to give it to u in all the mess....

Nandini simply gave them a polite smile when Aliya said,
Aliya: Well guys... Meet Nandini Moorthy, my cousin!! She just came back from London last night.

All of them greeted her with a smile and Aliya continued,
Aliya: And Nandu these are-

Nandini: Ohh I know them from all the talks that we hv had Aliya. Thats Cabir, Dhruv, Manik & Mukti.... The Fab5!! I hv really heard a lot about u guys and even ur music, I must say u r really quite good.

Mukti: Thanks!!

Cabir: Just to point out... U too quite impressed us last night, u sing really very well...

Aliya: Of course she does, she is a scholar student from the London School of Dance and Music, which this idiot left to finish off her designing thing.
Aliya said glaring at Nandini which made her snap back immediately,
Nandini: Hey... I didn't leave it in the middle. I just somehow managed to cut short the course.

Dhruv: Wow... Thats amazing!! So how come u r here in India?

They noticed Nandini's expressions harden at his question while she replied sweetly,
Nandini: Well I just finished off my studies and wanted to come back to my home town.

Manik: Ohk people... I know u both r too excited to see each other but we can sit and talk right?? Umn.. Nandini, right? Come join us...

Nandini looked up at him and smiled as she closed her laptop and picked it up. They moved to Fab5's table and took a seat.

Aliya: By the way what were u doing here??

Nandini: Nothing much!! Just came out to pass some time but then got caught up in some work.
Nandini replied pointing at her laptop.

Cabir: By the way, u really left us all confused last night. We couldn't even talk and u left. We didn't actually know who u were and on top of that it was quite late last night when u left.

Nandini: Ohh yes... I m so sorry I couldn't even introduce myself but as I said I had come directly from the airport so I had to rush back.

Manik: Thats completely fine...

Mukti: By the way Nandini.... We were all planning to go out for a movie why don't u join us?

Aliya: Yeah... It will be fun!!

Nandini looked at all of them for a minute smiling but then replied politely,
Nandini: Umn... I would love to but I guess, not today!! I think I'll pass, u guys carry on!!

Cabir: Come on it will be fun!!

Nandini: I m sure it will be but I'm sorry...
Nandini said this and looked at Aliya. All of them saw some eye to eye conversation going on between the two cousind when Aliya smiled and said,
Aliya: It's Ohk guys... I think we can take her with us some other time.

Nandini: Yeah... And moreover I m really getting late to reach somewhere so I think I should rush!!
Saying so Nandini got up when aliya again said,
Aliya: But we just met!!

Nandini: I know but I really need to rush... U carry on today, I'll see u later. How about tmrw night, after ur work?? I'll come over!!

Aliya smiled at her and hugged her once while Nandini turned to the others.
Nandini: Guys... It was really amazing to meet u all!!

Dhruv: Same here...
All of them bid her bye and soon she was out of the cafe. When Mukti asked Aliya,

Mukti: Aliya... She seemed distant about the plan!! Any problem??

Aliya: Ohh No... She just wanted to decline to u all and didn't want it to look rude. Nandini is a very reserved person, she doesn't hv any friends as such. She perfers being in her own company.

Manik: No friends??

Aliya: Umnn.... None except some professional ones from her university.
Aliya said slowly while all the others just nodded. Soon they all left for the movie in which Abhi too ojoined them. Navya too wanted to but she had to stay back home as her mother wasn't well.
So guys... Done with the second update!! Nandini's intro!! Hope u all like it. Though not much of her character was given but it will be shown as the story proceeds.

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