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this chapter gna include a lot of spartace, just saying. somin will appear here with kwangsoo:)

Kwangsoo felt a wet cloth slap his face, and his cheeks burned.

"Yah! Who threw this?!" He yelled, exaggerating his anger on-screen. The cast members laughed at him mockingly, each one claiming they didn't do it.

Obviously, Kwangsoo ignored their claims and instead picked up the thrown towel which was already starting to sink in the pool, taking aim on his Hyung, Haha.

"You think I wouldn't know it was you?" Kwangsoo unleashed a roar as he titled his arm back then brought it forward, causing the his weapon to fly over and hit Haha with deadly accuracy.

"Yah, I'm older than you!" Haha yelled from across the pool, angrily waving the poor towel over his head.

"Yeah, Kwangsoo, be respectful to your seniors!" Kwangsoo hear his Noona chide from one side.

Okay, I will.

"So you're saying I also shouldn't be treating you badly?" Kwangsoo teased as he removed the towel from around his neck. Dipping it in the cold waters, he brought it above his head and flung it.

If he had calculated accurately, the towel should've landed beside his Noona. It seemed the towel decided it had enough, for it simply charged straight at Jihyo and smashed against her stomach area.

"Yah, you're so dead!" His Noona screamed as she advanced towards him, which, sadly, proved difficult with the water.

He laughed at her as she waddled to him, thinking how cute she looked when suddenly he felt a force pull him under the water.

He trashed about and finally felt the weight on him release it's grip, and Kwangsoo opened his eyes to see the Sparta looking at him with a threatening glance.

"Noona, I'm sorry," Kwangsoo quickly apologised to his Noona in a light-hearted tone, pretending to fear his Hyung's power. The rest of the cast and staff laughed heartily at Kwangsoo's unluckiness.


Kwangsoo saw Jongkook give a quick kiss to his Noona during the break.

The Running Man members have just finished the water activity, Kwangsoo's personal dislike, and now everyone was climbing out of the enormous pool, wetting the surrounding area.

As usual, Kwangsoo wadded through the water to put a dry towel around his Noona, just like how he had always done after any water activity. His Noona would often be so oblivious to the cameras around her, with the goal of getting out of chlorine-filled water making her forget her basic modesty: covering her wet clothes which were hugging her body.

Wrapping a baby pink towel around his Noona and helping her climb out of the pool, Kwangsoo made sure her undergarments were perfectly covered as she climbed out.

Jihyo tugged at the towel and threw a smile at him, then gave him a squeeze of his fingers.

Then her boyfriend came to peck her cheeks which were blushing.

Kwangsoo looked away, feeling a strange tug at his heart.

The couple walked hand on hand in front of him, discussing plans after work.

"I'll just bring you over to my place to wash up. That way, we can save some time and watch more movies," his Huang said in a soft voice so unfamiliar to Kwangsoo's ears.

His Noona replied in a cheery voice, "okay! Lend me one of your shirts then."

Jongkook simply gave her another peck on her lips and removed the baby pink towel Kwangsoo had put on her.

"Let's share one together."

Kwangsoo saw how happy his Noona was when she slipped under Jongkook's towel, as the pink towel fluttered off and unto the ground like a butterfly.

The staff were already packing their equipment, and Kwangsoo could only stare at the pink towel that Jongkook removed off Jihyo.

The once bright pink now seemed so faded, so abandoned on the grey concrete cemented floor.

Like Kwangsoo who had gave his heart his Noona, the towel that had been wrapped around cosily on her body had been taken off and put aside, not knowing it would have fallen on the cold hard floor.


A girl watched Kwangsoo as he silently went forward to pick up the seemingly pathetic towel.

Jeon Somin didn't know if the water from the pool was the one which had caused her cheeks to feel damp. Maybe it was just the tears.

727 words

my spartace and kwangmong heart:'Where stories live. Discover now