BESIDE PT.1 (lee kwangsoo and song jihyo)

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just a note, this mini story is not about kwangmong as a couple. this mini series focuses on kwangsoo's unrequited love for jihyo. do note that jihyo and jongkook are dating in this story.

hope you enjoy!:))

The Running Man members are overseas in Japan to film an episode special. It's almost 10pm, and the members are all resting in their allocated hotel rooms.

These are the pairings:

Somin and Jihyo
Kwangsoo and Se Chan
Haha and Jong Kook
Jaesuk and Sukjin.

Lee Kwangsoo tried not to smile too wide as he knocked unto the door. He was at the entrance of his Noona's room, and he couldn't help but get excited over seeing his beautiful Noona again.

"Why are you here?" The door flew open and there stood a female he didn't plan to see.

"Yah, Somin, you're here..." Kwangsoo forgot Jihyo shared a room with Somin. He bit his lip and Somin rolled her eyes.

"You, you're such a lovesick puppy."

With that, Somin turned around and went in, leaving the door wide open.

Kwangsoo took a moment to register her words before entering the room with a scowl.

"Who's it?" He heard his Noona talking to Somin as he walked in. Her voice ricocheted through the hall, and her familiar voice made Kwangsoo soften.

"It's your darling dongsaeng. Entertain him for a while, I'm going to take my shower now," Somin replied, somewhat sounding a little disrespectful.

Jihyo didn't seem to notice anything amiss as Somin slipped into the toilet silently. As Kwangsoo entered, he saw her still in the same white blouse she had on during filming.

"You're here," Jihyo simply stated with a small smile. From how her voice sounded less lively and how her eyes seemingly lost some of its shine, Kwangsoo concluded Jihyo was tired. He watched her undo her hair tie.

"Mm," Kwangsoo made it seem like no big deal, as if he hadn't been all prepared to visit her just now. No way he was going to let her know how he panicked over smelly breath, shirts with holes and unmatching shoes just minutes ago.

"Sorry. Let me change before we watch something." Jihyo said in a soft voice laced with exhaustion. Kwangsoo nodded, and silently watched his Noona.

Jihyo was unbuttoning her blouse, and Kwangsoo felt heat rushing up to his cheeks. He knew how his Noona let her guard down with him, and often thats how he became a victim of Jihyo's oblivious seduction.

It was killing him, how she slowly unbuttoned her long sleeved blouse.

She didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable Kwangsoo felt and completely striped off her blouse, revealing a spaghetti strapped top which hugged her curves perfectly. Kwangsoo's heart pounded wildly against his chest.

Jihyo grabbed a familiar shirt from a table and pulled it on quickly. Kwangsoo stared at her oversized, grey shirt with some boyish patterns in a daze, before realizing she was wearing one of his shirts he lent her a few weeks back.

"Isn't that-" Kwangsoo started, and Jihyo cut him off.

"Yeah, it's yours." She said with a voice lined with amusement. She had removed her jeans underneath the shirt as well.

Kwangsoo felf his heart beating abnormally as he looked at Jihyo. Her slim fingers ran through her jet black hair messily, and she climbed unto her bed, the shirt riding up to reveal her bare upper thighs.

"Uh, Noona," Kwangsoo started. Again, his Noona cut him off, gesturing for him to climb on the bed with her.

"Should we continue watching Black Panther?" She obliviously tapped her iPad, searching for some movies to watch.

Kwangsoo felt his throat dry up. Sure, he had done this many times with his Noona: watching movies on their beds together, but today, his Noona seemed strangely sexy, and he knew if he went up on white sheets with her, he would go crazy. He knew he had to get out before he loses his sanity.

"Noona, I... I don't feel like watching today... we'll continue next time... okay? I forgot Jaesuk wants to eat with me now... I'll come back later..."

Jihyo seemed a little unhappy about not being able to finish the movie, but anyways gave him a little hug before saying her goodbyes.

Kwangsoo gulped down his saliva as he made his way back to his own room, suddenly feeling thirsty.

662 words^^

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