Chapter 1

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It was a classic summer day at camp half blood; birds chirping, bees buzzing and all the demigods going about their day. It was May 30, which meant that tomorrow would be the first month of June, pride month. Was Nico di Angelo, the son of the God of Death, who showed no positive feelings whatsoever, happy about that? Obviously not. Sure he was openly gay but Gaypride was way too cheesy; not only did it involve way too many rainbows, hearts, and tacky love quotes, but everybody would be pressuring him more than usual to "be happy" "make a move" and he just did not have the energy to go through that.

He looked out the window of cabin 13. There werea bunch of half-bloods hanging rainbow festoons around camp, but Nico's eyes only saw one: Will Solace.
His golden blonde hair was moving lightly in the wind, like golden straw in the field, but way softer and, well, more gorgeous. Will smiled towards some other kid and Nico felt something in his stomach (not butterflies, definitely not butterflies, something more like deadly spiders or venemous snakes).
He forced his eyes shut and turned his head, as to break his glance on his crush.
"A crush," thought Nico "How cliché. What am I some 12-year-old girl?" He walked over to his desk and tried to find something to pass time and take his mind off Will.

After what seemed like 2 hours of pure time-wasting Nico heard a knock on the cabin door. From the window he could see who it was."Oh my Gods" groaned Nico, although he was kind of happy to see him.

He opened the door and blatantly said "Solace." Will smiled "Hey," he said and then awkwardly nodded his head not knowing how to continue. They looked at each other until Nico raised his eyebrows so that Will would say something. "Uhm" Will said, looking down and breaking their gaze. "You should come and help put up the rest of the posters. My other friends bailed on me"
Will realized that was a mistake as soon as he said it. He didn't want Nico to think he wanted to spend time with him as a second choice. He scratched the back of his neck thinking of something else to say. "I mean I haven't seen you out all day, so some vitamin D would be good for you" Will winked and finished with a classic "Doctor's orders". Nico rolled his eyes but Will saw him blushing.

The two demigods strolled outside in silence. Nico did notice how late it was when he saw how close the sun was to the horizon line. "It's almost sunset," Nico thought out loud without remembering Will was right next to him. "Beautiful isn't it?" Said Will looking down at Nico for the son of Apollo was fairly taller. Their arms brushed against one another, Nico wanted to grab Will's arm and hug him but he was way to scared. Instead, he took a step forward to quickly break the physical contact.

"You're lucky to have the dad you have," said Nico without looking at Will. "Poetry, prophecy, healing, sunsets.. " he turned his neck to face Will, swooping his hair which Will found unbelievably attractive.
Will half laughed half sighed at that comment "No difference" he said locked into Nico's eyes. "Sure I'm proud of my dad, I admire his sunsets, but our parents don't define who we are"
"Yeah, they do" Nico retorted, turning around so his whole body was facing Will. "Look I'd love for them not to, trust me, but they kind of do. Our powers, dispositions, attitude, that's all part of who we are".
Will scrunched up his nose "No, I don't think our parents define who we are"
"Do so"
"Do not"

"Yo, if you guys can stop bickering maybe you can make it to dinner!" yelled a voice from behind them.
It was Jason who was soon caught up to by Percy who added "Bickering, yeah. Like a married couple." He sounded more annoyed than seriously insinuating a romantic connection between them. "Stop admiring the romantic sunset provided by Solace's dad" he gave a quick wink pointing to Will "And get your asses to dinner 'cause we having burgers!" He threw a fist in the air and then ran down the hill, followed by Jason.

Will and Nico looked at each other and laughed at the camp's idiot heroes, and then slowly made their way to dinner.

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