Chapter 6: Sisterly Chats

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"Demeter!" Zeus flew his arms open in a welcoming gesture. "And what do I have the pleasure of your company for?"

"You tell me, brother." Zeus' broad smile faltered at her tone.

"You're, uh, still angry about that, aren't you?" He could swear steam was pouring from her ears.

Hecate stepped between the two. Her ghostly face hidden below a hood as dark as the night sky. The matching robe was dotted with silver. They were so clean and pristine that they seemed to glow even in the day. "Demeter," she cooed. Arms raised defensively, like one would with an angry animal. "Remember. The sooner we finish here the sooner you can see Kore." She nodded reassuringly and waited for her to respond.

Zeus' wasn't sure if his sister responded, but Hecate seemed to backdown. "Zeus," she continued playing mediator. "Cut to the chase."

"Uh," he stuttered. He actually hadn't thought to come up with an excuse. "I, uh- Hera-" Demeter's face twisted into an expression beyond a scowl. Her eyes flashed a color he had never seen from her before- red. Harsh, unforgiving, bloody.

"What about Hera?"

"Yes, husband. What about me?"

She looked stunningly regal- far more so than her husband with his unkept hair and beard. Not a single brown hair out of place, the color of Demeter's skin. Though, that was where the similarities stopped.

Almost a full foot taller, a tiny waist with wide hips, full lips and breasts. All wrapped in purple silks and golden jewelry. That was the form she chose to keep her husband- or try.

"Hera! My little cuckoo! I wasn't expecting you home-"

"Obviously! And be sure to smite Hades next time her comes to the surface!"

"Should I ask why?"

"He told me you had another affair!" She spoke through clenched teeth. Her face, normally smooth and bloodless, was beet red.

Zeus flinched. Before he knew what he was doing he found himself cowering behind Hecate. "But I didn't!" She motioned to the two women standing before her- one of which he cowered behind. "I- uh. They aren't for me! They're here for you!"

For a brief moment Hera's red face softened. She raised a delicate eyebrow, but the anger never left her eyes. "What?" Her sister said the same thing.

"You, um. You and Demeter- You two haven't seen each other in so long! I thought you two could use some time to reconnect!"

"And Hecate?" she asked accusingly.

"I, uh-"

"She was going to deliver some threads back to the Moirai for me!"

"And Hermes?"

"Do you see the boy anywhere?" Zeus quickly turned to make sure his son was actually gone. When his wife made no reply, he continued. "Come along, Hecate. They are in my study-"


"Right, um. Stay here, I'll be back with the box."

Zeus inched away before breaking into a full sprint. Even on the other side of the courtyard he could feel Hera's gaze on him.

"So," Hera turned to her sister. "Tea?"

* * * * *

The sisters moved inside and into the kitchen. A small table was already set with cups and saucers in place. Hestia stood at the counter kneading dough and seasoning the night's meal. Her blond hair was clumped with everything from flour to animal fat. It stuck out at odd angles. It reminded Demeter of a weed that had gotten out of hand.

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