Chapter 12

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Start of the Varia Arc

Naruko's P.O.V.

It was another fine day again. I was relaxing in the park while eating some delicious chocolate ice cream. There are no such things as ice cream back in the Elemental Nations so when I first tasted it, I got immediately hooked up. I wonder, does ramen-flavored ice cream exist?

So I was just sitting there minding my own business. But for some reason there are no other people in here. Is there something that is going to happen? I hope not.

But of course, being that I have a trouble magnet constitution that got worse when I got involved with Vongola, there are no such thing as a fine day. Again.

"Ushishishishi oi peasant, get out of the prince's seat."

A boy with blonde hair that hides his eyes and a silver tiara and wearing all black suddenly strode out of nowhere and commanded me like some kind of royalty.

"This bench doesn't have any indication that its yours so I'm not going anywhere, dattebayo."

"Ushishi I'm a prince so peasants have to obey me."

"Shut up, you creepy femboy?! And who the hell are you calling peasant?! I'm not the one who's laughing such a weird laugh!"

He got a tickmark on his forehead and a sudden foreboding feeling was released. Why the hell do these crazy people keep getting in my way?

"Who the hell are you calling femboy, whiskers?!"

"The boy with a silver tiara, of course!"

"You.....Ushishishi congratulations peasant. You have just earned a one-way ticket to hell by the Storm Guardian of the Varia, Belphegor."


I hurrriedly jumped out of the bench to dodge the silver knives coming in my way. They stuck deeply into the wood and I sweated when I imagine that in my body.

The femboy, named Belphegor, laughed creepily again while twirling a knife in his hands.

"Ushishishi your not a civilian. Be thankful that this prince is asking your name, peasant."

"Its Naruko, femboy."

"Ushishishi your dead, whiskers!"

I got out a kunai to deflect the knives and threw a couple kunais to him. As expected, he also dodge. But suddenly, I sensed knives heading to my back. I deflected them but knives started to come from every direction.

I then noticed something glinting that is tied to the string. So that was his trick.

"An invisible string.? Your pretty good controlling dozens of knives at once.

"Ushishishi you figured it out fast, huh."

He wiggled his fingers just like that puppet bastard Sasori and all of his knives came back to him.

"I like you. Why don't you join the Varia? I'm sure boss wouldn't mind to have another talent."


"An elite assassin group. With your skills you can definitely get in."

"Not interested, femboy. Goodbye."

I said then immediately ran away. Why? Because I sensed another presence coming our way and it seems to be the femboy's ally.

I need to tell this to Reborn.

??? P.O.V.

I was waiting for those two trash to comeback while sipping my wine when I finally sensed them entering.

"Ushishishi hello Boss."


"You bastard? Don't call Boss like that!"


"Let's calm down you two~ Boss is going to talk~"

My Sun guardian admonished my Rain and Lightning and they immdiately shut up.

"Oi trash how did it go with the Sawada trash?"

"Here the rings."

I caught the box he threw and opened it to see the Vongola rings which I immediately were fake. I burned the box with my Wrath flames. I growled angrily at Squalo.

"Trash these are fake."


"Ushishishi your so useless compared to this prince. I instead found someone interesting."

That piqued my curiosity. If we say interesting then it means its someone strong or special. And Belphegor rarely says a compliment.

"What is it Trash?"

"Ushishishi I happen to stumble upon a feisty blonde girl and got to fight her. Not even 2 minutes in our fight and she figured out my trick."

That girl is interesting, all right. Not many can do that since they will be dead in the first 30 seconds.

"Trash who is this girl?"

"Ushishi a girl named Naruko. She didn't tell me her last name."

"Then new orders. Tonight we will confront that weakling trash. And another order. If you see that girl, get her."

"Understood Boss!"



"Ushishishi looks like we'll meet again whiskers."

"Umu I'll fine them for taking away my time."

Just you wait Sawada Tsunayoshi, I will be the Vongola Decimo.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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