Part Fifty Two

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I paced the floor of my Hotel Room, running my fingers through my hair.
Hello insomnia!
Bailey seem's to be my sleeping luck charm.
Since She's been sleeping with Me every night I'll usually manage around four hours of sleep.
Thanks to the long days of surfing the last few days, I've managed around three, sometimes four hours per night.
Definitely not ideal for a Teenager.
But a bit more weighed on my conscience tonight.
Well, technically it was Sunday morning, but I haven't slept so I'm still counting it as Saturday night.
The image of Darcey's body and Her face closing in on mine flashed in my mind like a movie replay and I clenched my fists at my sides, desperate to punch something.
Of course I didn't cheat on Bailey!
Just in the nick of time I'd managed to get my arse into gear and put some space between Darcey and Myself.
How the fuck had simply being nice managed to get Me to a point where She was pulling moves?
I paced back from the sink and kettle, towards the window.
Maybe I just need to learn to be an arsehole.
But now I faced the dilemma.
When I get Home, do I tell Bailey that Darcey read a bit more into my friendliness than I'd intended Her to?
Do I tell Her She'd tried to (albeit drunk) kiss Me, but I'd managed to get the fuck out of there?
She'll fucking kill Me.
Sighing heavily, I turned from the window that overlooked the darkness of the coast.
Worse than killing Me, it would break Bailey's heart, even though technically nothing happened.
I couldn't stand the idea of breaking Her.
But could I just zip my lips and say nothing?
Running one hand through my unruly hair, I walked to the bedside table of the Hotel bed and grabbed my phone.
The now lit up screen read 3:26AM.
I'd tried to call Bailey when I got back into the Hotel, even though at that point it was already kinda late.
She didn't answer and hadn't called Me back, not that I really expected Her to given what the time was.
Most sane People would be sleeping by now.
I set my phone back onto the bedside table and turned around to sit on the edge of the bed.
How's a guy fucking supposed to sleep?
I don't know what I'm supposed to tell Bailey.
I want to fucking tear strips off Darcey when She's sober.
I'm supposed to compete in less than six hours!
I braced my elbows on my thighs and rubbed my hands over my face.


I drifted awake to the putrid stench of cleaning chemicals lingering in the air and the surprising warble of birds outside the window.
Blinking against the light that actually filtered through the gaps in the slightly opened blinds, I spotted the shadows of a couple of birds dancing across the windowsill.
The Hospital bed sheets crinkled beneath Me as I shifted, attempting to get comfortable.
My heart felt hollow.
You read about the Girl who gets Her drink spiked and then get's assaulted, but you never think She will be You.
I focused really hard on trying to not let the images of last night enter my mind, knowing it would send Me into a breakdown.
I flinched as somebody or something moved in the room's doorway.
A blonde Nurse walked in, wearing a high waisted black skirt and a dark blue shirt.
Her hair was pulled up into a bun on the top of Her head and She wore a preppy smile as She approached the end of my bed.
"Good Morning!"
She chirped, slipping a pen out of Her shirt pocket.
I tried to answer Her, but my voice wouldn't work properly.
I cleared my throat and tried again.
I whispered, pushing myself into a sitting position.
The Nurse set Her pen onto the small table at the foot of my bed that held the patient chart and She made Her way around to the side of the bed, walking about halfway up before She perched on the side of the bed.
"How are you feeling?"
She asked, Her tone quiet and Her expression gentle.
How am I feeling?
I can't say 'good' because that would be a flat out lie.
If I say 'fucking awful' then She will probably tell somebody to lock Me up in the Psych Ward.
I dropped my gaze to the knitted blanket that covered my legs and laced my hands together.
"I honestly don't know..."
I confessed.
I was trying hard not to discover the answer, because I was also trying hard not to think about what had happened.
But it lingered there at the back of My mind, waiting to pounce.
The Nurse who couldn't be any older than 30 offered Me a small smile.
"I just need to check your pulse, temperature and heart rate if that's okay with you."
If you were sitting in a Hospital bed, then it was more or less guaranteed they would poke and prod at you.
Biting into my lower lip, I nodded.
She smiled and pushed Herself to Her feet.

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