Part Fifty One

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#warning, some scenes in this chapter might be a little rough. I'll try not to make things too graphic.

The pounding music from the party blared somewhere off in the distance.
I couldn't move.
My breathing felt laboured.
Images flashed before my eyes, walls, a face, hands.
Everything around Me was dark.
Something soft and cloud like was beneath my back.
The words were difficult to understand.
I wanted to open my mouth, to scream for help, but I couldn't seem to make my jaw work.
"So sexyyyyyy."
The hand trailing down my side felt like a spider on the move.
I wanted to slap it away, but my hands felt like dead weights.
"I've waited for this for so long."
The shadowed voice sounded almost like an echo in the darkened room.
The spider-like hands moved up my body to cup my breasts.
Bile rose in my throat.
I wanted to fight Him off, but I couldn't seem to move any part of my body, no matter how hard I tried.
"So beautiful..."
The voice whispered.
I tried to open my mouth to yell for help, but it still wouldn't work.
"The perfect handful..."
The voice whispered, their hands groping my breasts.
I need to get out of this...
The hands wandered down my body and I tried to move, but my muscles wouldn't work.
It was like I was on lockdown, but my mind was still able to register what was happening!
No, no, please-!
"Always so uptight!"
The shadowed figure shifted above Me.
He grunted as He pulled my thighs apart.
I couldn't focus on the words being spoken.
A ringing was growing in my ears.
The button on my jeans popped open.
An intense, hot prickling took over my eyes, the sensation burning
I could do absolutely nothing as the tight fabric of my jeans were pulled down.
My captor shifted backwards as He pulled my jeans off my legs.
His face caught in a beam of light peeking through the window and He licked his lips.
I tried to press my knees together, but it didn't seem to work, because my captor's hands were stronger as He held my thighs apart.
"Save that thigh grip for when I'm between your legs you stubborn little bitch."
The voice whispered.
I wanted to fight, but He crawled between my legs, forcing my thighs open.
His form began to appear fuzzy around the edges, like some fog was setting in, as He loomed above Me, one hand reaching up to grasp my wrists.
His other hand touched my hip and then slid lower.
A sickening ripping sound echoed in my ears.
The clink of a belt buckle had my heart lurching into a sprint.
No, no, no, no-!
The shadowed face inched closer to mine.
I was trapped, my wrists pinned above my head and my body under some kind of lethargy spell.
"You've wanted this as much as I have."
Lane whispered, His breath fanning across my face.
Something hard, but soft, yet warm brushed against Me.
I tried to scream, but no sound would come out of my mouth.
Lane's face seemed to ripple in front of my eyes as He sank into Me, groaning.
"So good!"
He hissed.
A blinding light burnt my eyeballs.
A bang sounded like a gunshot.
My body rocked on the clouds and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it as Lane's breaths huffed above Me.
Lane's weight was suddenly gone.
I couldn't see straight, the entire room becoming fuzzier and fuzzier.
I heard the sound of pain, along with repetitive thudding noises, but my eyes were growing heavier.
I tried to blink, but it didn't work.
Another figure loomed over Me, the sounds around Me echoing.
I was pretty sure I saw Amara's face before my world went black.

Amara's P.O.V

My blood was rushing in my ears.
My heart was positively pounding.
I could barely make steady movements because I was shaking so god damn hard.
I grabbed my best friend's shoulders and shook her hard.
Her unfocused blue gaze stared back at Me.
"C'mon Bailey! You need to get up!"
I begged her, pulling on her arm's.
She just flopped around like a god damn rag doll!
Bile rose in my throat when I finally spotted her discarded skinny jeans and ripped underwear.
Oh my fucking god!
Hot tears splashed onto my cheeks.
Well, Heath doesn't need to see his Baby Sister's privates.
I scrambled to pull Bailey's jeans back onto her legs.
Every second felt like torture.
I heard another thump and then thunk as somebody was no doubt punched, then probably fell back into something.
My shaking hands struggled to pull the denim over Bailey's knee's.
My heart was hammering away inside my chest, threatening to break out and run for the hills.
Bailey's eyes fluttered open.
I abandoned the effort of getting her jeans back on Her and gripped her face between my hands.
My best friend's eyes rolled backwards.
No, no, no!
I screamed for His assistance.
I heard yet another thump.
"Heath fucking help Me!"
I screeched, shaking Bailey's shoulders.
Bailey's limp body jerked.
I can't lose my best friend!
This is like a horrifying nightmare and I just want to wake up!
When will I wake up?!
Another thump sounded.
I screeched, spinning around.
"Bailey's gonna fucking die!"
I watched Heath drop some guy's limp body and make it across the room in two strides.
"We need to get her to a fucking Hospital!"
Heath's voice was broken, little more than a rasp.
I fucking knew we had to get Her to a Hospital!
That's why I asked for His help!
"Well first we have to make sure the rest of the party doesn't see her private parts!"
I screamed, trying to pull Bailey's jeans up.
It was challenging, because she'd chosen skin tight skinnies and my hands were shaking so violently they were basically useless.
Heath looked down to what I was trying to do and pushed my hands out of the way.
Hot tears streamed out of my eyes and down my cheeks.
Heath yanked the waist band of the denim, succeeding in getting Bailey's pants back up properly.
"Did you find her-?"
While I fumbled to do up at least the button on Bailey's pants, I looked towards the open bedroom door.
Keegan stood in the doorway, his wide blue eyes going from the limp figure on the floor, to the bed where Heath and I hovered over Bailey.
"We're goin' to the Hospital!"
Heath's words broke Me out of my trance.
I snapped my gaze to my boyfriend who was now hauling Bailey's limp body up off the double bed.
"What the fuck happened?!"
Keegan demanded, storming into the bedroom, nearly tripping over the limp figure on the floor.
I scrambled off the bed, knowing full well we were running out of time
Every second that passed would make Bailey's condition worse.
Her recovery harder.
"Help Me move this guy!"
I begged Keegan, rushing over to the limp guy who was laying just a few steps in front of the doorway.
We didn't need Heath to trip over Him while he was carrying Bailey!
"Leave Him!"
Heath snapped.
I stumbled to a stop and turned to look at Him.
He looked past Me though, to Keegan.
"If He wakes up, knock Him the fuck back out again!"
Heath ordered, adjusting Bailey in his arms, holding her bridal style.
"No way!"
Keegan's eyes widened.
"I'm coming with!"
"Then on the way out You fucking order someone to come deal with Him!"
Heath hissed, stepping over the limp body.
I scrambled after Him, trying not to look at the unconscious, bloody figure on the floor.
Keegan spun on His heel, leading the way down the hallway and towards the stairs, clearing a path for Heath.

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